
现任厦门大学闽江学者特聘教授、校学术委员会委员、社会科学委员会管理学部委员;国家社科基金项目评委、教育部社会科学委员会管理学部委员、教育部中外合作办学项目评审专家;CSSCI指导委员会委员;财政部会计准则委员会咨询专家、全国会计专业学位教育指导委员会委员兼学位论文工作分委员会主任;中国会计学会会计基础理论专业委员会主任委员、中国会计学会学术委员及理事、厦门市会计学会副会长;Accounting Accreditation Accord Initiative常务理事;Accounting Education:An international journal编辑顾问、China Accounting and Finance Review、China Journal of Accounting Research、Frontiers of Business Research in China、《中国会计评论》等学术期刊编委、《当代会计评论》主编。
Professor QU Xiaohui holds a Ph.D. degree from Xiamen University issued in 1989 and is the first female Ph.D. in Accounting in China. She was appointed as Minjiang Professor to Xiamen University effective 1 Jan. 2006, and Chair professor and director to the Center for Accounting Studies of Xiamen University effective 1 Jan. 2000, which is a national key institute designated by the Ministry of Education. She has been full frofessor of accounting since 1993. She served as a member of Academic Degree Assessment Commission of Xiamen University from1998 to 2006. She has served as a member of Academic Committee of Xiamen University since 1998. Prior to joining the Graduate School of Xiamen University, she served as the deputy dean in charge of teaching, academic degree and discipline development from 1995 through 2001. Prof. Qu has published research papers, monographs and textbooks on a range of accounting and finance topics, and has been the recipient of a dozen grants financed by national foundations and Ministries. The awards she has received include Fulbright Scholar Award, eight provincial Social Science Research Awards, one research award from the Ministry of Finance and two outstanding-paper awards from Accounting Society of China. She is honoured as National Distinguished Woman designated by All-China Federation of Trade Union and Academic Expert for the 21st Century designated by The Ministry of Education. She was granted government special allowance for the outstanding contributions to high education by the State Council of China. She is the expert in assessment on China-Foreign joint-education programs invited by Ministry of Education and Advisory Expert of China Accounting Standards Committee. She initiated the Master of Professional Accounting as a national professional education program and has served as a member on the Nationwide MPAcc Teaching Steering Committee and the panel chief of teaching affairs. She served as a member of directors for China’s Academic Degree & Graduate Education Society from 1995 to 2001. She has been on the panel of experts for project application assessment of National Social Science Fund since Mar. 2000. She has served in the Chinese Accounting Professors Association as the president-elect, current & previous in 2004-2007. She has served as the director for the Committee of Accounting Theory for Accounting Society of China since 2008. She has been the member of Social
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