任广斌教授 所在系 数学系
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所在系 | 数学系 |
研究方向 | 分析 |
办公室 | 1309 |
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中国科学技术大学数学系教授、博士生导师。入选2005年教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。获2012年宝钢优秀教师奖。先后主持四项国家自然科学基金项目。 曾在欧洲做访问学者、博士后、研究员四年。
发表论文50篇,其中30余篇是SCIE论文。 论文发表在学术杂志:
01.《J.Reine Angew.Math.》
02.《J.Approximation Theory》
03.《Studia Math.》
05.《Proc.Edinburgh Math.Soc.》
06.《Complex Analysis and Operator Theory》
11 《Clifford Algebra》(Birkhauser,2004)
12 《Wavelet Analysis and Applications》》(Birkhauser,2007)
2004.5 -至今 中国科学技术大学数学系博士生导师
2004.1 -至今 中国科学技术大学数学系教授
1998.5 - 2004.1:中国科学技术大学数学系副教授
1988.6 - 1998.5:中国科学技术大学数学系助教、讲师
2008.8 - 2010.7 葡萄牙Aveiro大学数学系研究员
2001.9 - 2002.8:葡萄牙Aveiro大学数学系博士后,导师:Helmuth Malonek
1993.2 - 1997.7:中国科学技术大学数学系获博士学位,导师:史济怀教授
1985.9 - 1988.6:南开数学所获硕士学位,导师:许以超教授
1981.9 - 1985.7:安徽大学数学系获学士学位
2000.12 - 2001.8:芬兰Joensuu大学访问学者
2008.8 - 2008.9:比利时Ghent大学访问学者
2009.2 - 2009.3:捷克Charles大学访问学者
2010.7 - 2010.7 德国Freberg大学访问学者
2001.5 Clifford代数和势论研讨会,芬兰Joensuu大学。
2002.3 第五届复分析的应用及推广会议,葡萄牙Coimbra大学。
2002.5 第六届Clifford代数国际会议,美国田纳西。
2002.8 北京国际数学家大会澳门卫星会,Clifford分析,澳门大学。
2002.8 北京国际数学家大会合肥卫星会,多复变数几何函数论,合肥
2004.8 2004多复变国际会议,北京,首都师范大学。
2004.12 函数空间与算子理论会议,汕头大学。
2005.6 2005国际多复变会议,合肥,中国科大。
2005.7 2005算子理论,函数空间及应用国际会议,葡萄牙Aveiro大学。
2008.9 2008数值分析和应用数学国际会议,希腊.
2009.7 ISSAC conference in London,England.
2010.7 IWOTA conference in Berlin,Germany.
2012.8 2012年全国多复分析学术会议,河南大学。
1.国家自然科学基金,编号 10001030,多复变数函数空间及其算子理论,2001年1月-2003年12月
2.国家自然科学基金,编号 10471134,Clifford分析中的函数空间理论,2005年1月-2007年12月
3.国家自然科学基金,编号 10771201,Dunkl-Clifford分析,2008年1月-2010年12月
4.国家自然科学基金,编号 11071230,全纯Mobius变换及其在相对论和信号分析中的应用,
2011年1月- 2013年12月
论文 (SCIE论文用*号标注)
*[50] Y.W.Chen and G.B.Ren,Holder functions in Bergman type spaces,Studia Math.212 (2012),237-258
*[49] Q.H.Chen,G.B.Ren,P.Cerejeiras,and U.Kahler,Non-separable Multivariate Filter Banks from Univariate Wavelets,accepted by Math.Nachr.
*[48] G.B.Ren,U.Kaehler,J.H.Shi,C.W.Liu,Hardy-Littlewood inequalities for fractional derivatives of invariant harmonic functions,Complex Analysis and Operator Theory,6(2012) No.2,373-396.
*[47] Q.H.Chen,L.Q.Li,G.B.Ren,Generalized Paley-Wiener theorems,International Journal of Wavelets,Multiresolution and Information Processing,Vol.10,No.2 (2012) 7pages.
*[46] Q.H.Chen,T.Qian,G.B.Ren,Y.Wang,B-Splines of Blaschke Product Type,Comput.Math.Appl.62 (2011),3669–3681.
*[45] N.Faustino,G.B.Ren,(Discrete) Almansi type decompositions:an umbral calculus framework based on osp(1|2) symmetries.Math.Meth.Appl.Sci.,34 (2011),1961-1979 .
*[44] G.B.Ren,Q.H.Chen,P.Cerejeiras,and U.Kahler,Chirp transforms and Chirp series,J.Math.Anal.Appl.,373 (2011),356-369.
*[43] M.Ferreira and G.B.Ren,Mobius gyrogroups:a Clifford algebra approach,Journal of Algebra.328 (2011),230-253.
*[42] G.B.Ren,Howe duality in Dunkl superspace,Science China:Mathematics 53(2010),No.12,3153-3162.
*[41] G.B.Ren and H.Malonek,Decomposition of polyharmonic functions with respect to the complex Dunkl Laplacian,J.Inequal.Appl.Volume 2010,Article ID 947518,13 pages,2010.
*[40] L.Liu,and G.B.Ren,Normalized system for wave and Dunkl operators,
Taiwanese J.Math.14 (2010),675-683.
*[39] Y.W.Chen and G.B.Ren,Jackson's Theorem in Qp Spaces,Science in China,Series A.53 (2010),No2,367-372 (English Ser.); 39 (2009),No5,567-573 (Chinese Ser.).
*[38] G.B.Ren and U.Kaehler,Almansi decomposition for poly-ultrahyperbolic
functions,Acta.Math.Sin.(Engl.Ser.) 25 (2009),1561-1566.
[37] 史济怀,任广斌,罗罗,多复变数全纯函数空间,《多复变在中国的研究与发展》
(科学出版社,陆启铿主编), 2009, 174-195.
*[36] G.B.Ren and Y.W.Chen,Gradient estimates and Jackson's theorem in Q spaces related to measures,J.Approximation Theory 155 (2008),97-110.
[35] G.B.Ren and L.Liu,Liouville Theorem for Dunkl Polyharmonic Functions,Special Issue on Dunkl Operators and Related Topics,Edited by C.Dunkl,P.Forrester, Jeu,M.Rösler and Y.Xu,Symmetry,Integrability and Geometry:Methods and Applications (SIGMA),4 (2008),076,6 pages.
[34] G.B.Ren and L.Liu,Berezin transform in Clifford analysis,NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS,International Conference,Kos,Greece,Edited by T.E.Simons,G.Psihoyios,and Ch.Tsitouras,2008,651-653.
*[33] Q.X.Guo and G.B.Ren,Cesaro operators on Hardy spaces in the unit ball,J.Math.Anal.Appl.,339(2008),1-9
*[32] G.B.Ren and H.Malonek,A unified approach to decomposition of kernels of iterated operators,Math.Meth.Appl.Sci.,30 (2007),1037-1047.
[31] G.B.Ren and H.Malonek,Almansi decomposition for Dunkl-Helmholtz operators,in Wavelet Analysis and Applications,T.Qian (ed.) et al.,Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis,Basel:Birkhauser,2007,35-42.
*[30] M.Z.Wang and G.B.Ren,Jackson's theorem on bounded symmetric domains,Acta Math.Sinica (Engl.Ser.),23 (2007),1391-1404.
[29] S.X.Feng,T.S.Liu and G.B.Ren,The growth and covering theorems for several mappings on the unit ball in complex Banach spaces,Chinese Journal Contemporary Mathematics 28(2007),173-190; Chin.Ann.Math.,Ser.A,28 (2007),215-230.
*[28] G.B.Ren and U.Kahler,Almansi decomposition for polyharmonic,polyheat,and polywave functions,Studia Math.,172 (2006) 1,91-100.
*[27] J.H.Shi and G.B.Ren,Coefficient multipliers of mixed norm spaces in the ball,Science in China,Ser.A,49 (2006),1491-1503.
[26] G.H.Wang and G.B.Ren,Holland-Walsh characterization for Besov spaces,J.of USTC,36 (2006),727-731.
[25] P.Cerejeiras,U.Kahler and G.B.Ren,Clifford analysis for finite reflection groups,Complex Var.Elliptic Equ.,51 (2006),487--495.
*[24] G.B.Ren and M.Z.Wang,Holomorphic Jackson's theorems in polydiscs,J.Approximation Theory,134 (2005),175-198.
*[23]G.B.Ren,Almansi decomposition for Dunkl operators,Science in China 48A Supp.(2005),333-342.(Several Complex Variables and Complex Geometry).
*[22]G.B.Ren and U.Kahler,Hardy-Littlewood inequalities and Qp-spaces,Z.Anal.Anwendungen 24(2005),375-388.
*[21]G.B.Ren and U.Kahler,Weighted Lipschitz continuity,harmonic Bloch and Besov spaces in the real unit ball,Proc.Edinburgh Math.Soc.,48 (2005),743-755.
*[20]G.B.Ren and U.Kahler,Boundary behavior of Gleason's problem in hyperbolic harmonic Bergman spaces,Science in China,48A(2005),145-154.
*[19]G.B.Ren and C.F.Tu,Bloch space in the unit ball of Cn,Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.133 (2005),719-726.
*[18]G.B.Ren and J.H.Shi,The diagonal mapping in mixed norm spaces,Studia Math.163 (2004),103-117
[17]G.B.Ren and H.Malonek,Bergman projection in Clifford analysis.CLIFFORD ALGEBRA (Cookeville,TN,2002),125--139,Progress in Mathematical Physics,Vol 34 Birkhäuser Boston,Boston,MA,2004.
[16]G.B.Ren and U.Kahler,Weighted Bloch spaces and Gleason's problem,Complex Variables 48(2003),235-245.
*[15]G.B.Ren and U.Kahler,Radial derivatives on bounded symmetric domains,Studia Math.157(2003),57-70.
*[14]G.B.Ren and U.Kahler,Weighted Holder continuity of hyperbolic harmonic Bloch functions,Z.Anal.Anwendungen 21(2002),599-610.
*[13]H.Malonek and G.B.Ren,Almansi type theorems in Clifford Analysis,Math.Meth.Appl.Sci.25(2002),499-502.
*[12]G.B.Ren and J.H.Shi,Sharp estimates for functions in Bergman and Besov spaces,Acta Math.Sin,(Engl.Ser.) 18(2002),499-504.
[11]G.B.Ren,Harmonic Bergman spaces with small exponents in the unit ball,Collect Math.53(2002),83-96.
[10]C.W.Liu,J.H.Shi and G.B.Ren,Duality for harmonic mixed norm spaces in the unit ball of Cn,Ann.Sci.Math.Quebec 25(2001),179-197.
[9]G.B.Ren and C.W.Liu,Diagonal mappings on Bounded symmetric domains,Chin.Ann.Math.22A(2001),9-18; Chinese J.Contemp.Math.22(2001),11-22.
*[8]G.B.Ren and J.H.Shi,Forelli-Rudin type theorem in pluriharmonic Bergman spaces with small index,Science in China 42A(1999),1-6.
*[7]T.S.Liu and G.B.Ren,Decomposition theorem of normalized biholomorphic convex mappings,J.Reine Angew.Math.496(1998),225-231.
*[6]G.B.Ren and J.H.Shi,Gleason's problem in weighted Bergman spaces
on egg domains,Science in China 41A(1998),123-130.
*[5]J.H.Shi and G.B.Ren,The boundedness of Cesaro operator on mixed norm spaces,Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.126(1998),3553-3560.
*[4]T.S.Liu and G.B.Ren,Growth theorem for convex mappings on bounded convex circular domains,Science in China 41A(1998),123-130.
*[3]T.S.Liu and G.B.Ren,Growth theorem for starlike mappings on bounded starlike circular domains,Chin.Ann.of Math.19B(1998),401-408.
[2]G.B.Ren and J.H.Shi,Inequalities of Hardy-Littlewood type and their applications.Chinese J.Contemp.Math.18 (1997),219--231.
*[1]G.B.Ren and J.H.Shi,Bergman type operator on mixed norm spaces with applications.Chin.Ann.Math.18B (1997),265--276.
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