国际贸易学系·教师简介 殷晓鹏,副教授 殷晓鹏,2001年毕业于加拿大麦吉尔(McGill
编辑委员会成员:中国经济理论研究(Chinese Journal of Economic Theory)
编辑委员会成员:中国经济政策评论(Chinese Economic Policy Review)
会员:美国经济学会 (AEA, i.e. American Economic Association)
会员:计量经济学会 (Econometric Society)
会员:国际经济与金融学会 (International Economics and Finance Society, IEFS)
会员:加拿大经济学会 (CEA, i.e. Canadian Economic Association)
资深会员:中国留美经济学会 (CES, i.e. Chinese Economists Society),(美国应用社会科学学会, ASSA, 成员之一)
会员:北美中国经济学会(CEANA, i.e. Chinese Economists Association in North America, ASSA, 美国应用社会科学学会成员之一)
成员:发展地区研究中心 (Centre for Developing Area Studies),麦吉尔(McGill)大学
“福特学者” (Ford Scholar):(由福特基金会与中国留美经济学会联合支持,每年选择六个福特学者): 石河子大学(中国),2002;南京大学(中国),1997
International Economics
(including Economic Growth, Open Economy Macroeconomics)
1. Yin, Xiaopeng, “Voluntary Import Expansions with Non-Stationary Demand”, Canadian Journal of Economics 37, 2004, 1084-1096
2. Yin, Xiaopeng, “Forming Efficient Free Trade Networks: A Sequential Mechanism” (with Xue,L., and Zhang,J.), Review of Development Economics, forthcoming;
3. Yin, Xiaopeng, “Input Substitution, Export Pricing, and Exchange Rate Policy” (with Shi, K., and Xu, J.), Revised and resubmitted
4. Yin, Xiaopeng, “Externalities, Productivity and Sustained Growth”, Revised and resubmitted;
5. Yin, Xiaopeng, “Strategic Choices in General Outsourcing: Intra-industry Trade or FDI”, Revised and resubmitte, Yin, Xiaopeng, “International Product Cycles with Outsourcing”, Submitted
6. Yin, Xiaopeng, "Cooperative and Noncooperative R&D and Knowledge Spillover: A Reassessment”, Submitted
7. Yin, Xiaopeng, “Strategic R&D Interaction, Knowledge Creation and Endogenous Growth”, Submitted
8. Yin, Xiaopeng, “Irrelevance of strategic interaction of R&D investment in growth”, Submitted
9. Yin, Xiaopeng, “Relation between Strategic R&D Interaction and Endogenous Growth: Symmetry or Asymmetry”, Submitted
10. Yin, Xiaopeng, "Knowledge Externality, Induced Consumption, and Missed Economic Growth”, Completed
11. Yin, Xiaopeng, “A General Model for R&D sector in Endogenous Economic Growth”, Completed
12. Wang, Yuntong and Xiaopeng Yin, “Existence of Sustainable Growth with Convex
13. Yin, Xiaopeng, Technologies in an OLG Economy”, Completed
14. Yin, Xiaopeng, “When ‘International Consumption Correlation puzzle’ meets the ‘Kaldor Facts’: The Unbalanced Growth Approarch”, In Progress
15. Wang, Yuntong and Xiaopeng Yin: “Endogenous Unbalanced Growth and Growth Cycles”, In Progress
16. Dalkir, Mehmet S. and Xiaopeng Yin: “Outsourcing, International Capital Mobility and Unbalanced Growth”, In Progress
17. Tkacz, Greg and Xiaopeng Yin: “A Re-examination of the Relationship between Real Exchange Rates and Real Interest Differentials: 1974 -2009”, In Progress
Development Economics (including Comparative Economics: China)
18. Yin, Xiaopeng, “Regional Integration in China: Incentive, Pattern, and Growth”, China's Economic Geography and Regional Development: International Conference Proceeding, 2004, Section 5
19. Yin, Xiaopeng, "The Tendency of Regional Integration in China: Incentive, Pattern, and Growth”, Revised and resubmitted
20. Lin, Guijun and Xiaopeng Yin: “Can the developing country catch up: Trade Strategy, Industry Policy and Long- run Economic Growth: The Case of China”, In Progress
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