
姓名 | 陈玲玲 | |||||
所系名称 | 生化与细胞所 | |||||
性别 | 女 | |||||
专业名称 | 生物化学与分子生物学 | |||||
技术职务 | 研究员 | |||||
行政职务 | 研究组长 | |||||
Mail地址 | linglingchen@sibcb.ac.cn | |||||
指导博士 生总数 |
0 |
指导硕士 生总数 |
2 | 通讯地址 | 上海市岳阳路320号 | |
目前博士 生数 |
0 |
目前硕士 生数 |
2 | 邮政编码 | 200031 | |
研究方向 | 长非编码RNA和干细胞 | |||||
研究工作 |
人类基因组测序计划发现多于98%的基因组序列转录为非编码RNA(ncRNA)。这些ncRNA除了包括人们所熟知的‘housekeeping’ 非编码RNA(tRNAs, rRNAs 和snRNAs等)、小非编码RNA(miRNAs 和 piRNAs等),更多的是长非编码RNA(lncRNA,>200 nt)。最近几年来的研究表明lncRNAs广泛参与一系列细胞的重要功能调控,包括细胞核亚结构的形成、基因表达的遗传与表观遗传调控等。 我们实验室主要研究哺乳动物细胞中lncRNAs的功能调控,并着重研究其与细胞核亚结构的形成和对人源胚胎干细胞(hESCs)的命运决定的调控。在国际上最早报道lncRNA的功能和hESCs的命运决定密切相关等基础上,近来利用国际前沿高通量测序技术发现了一系列干细胞特有的或全新的lncRNAs。今后将利用分子生物学、细胞生物学和生物化学的手段,以hESCs的多功能潜能性维持和分化为模型,研究这些lncRNAs的产生、功能调控及其在干细胞命运决定中的作用。研究获得成果,不仅能够丰富我们对lncRNAs在哺乳细胞基因组功能和机制的认识,也为hESCs的多功能性维持和命运改变提供一个全新水平的调控。 |
获奖情况 |
1. Connecticut Stem Cell Seed Award (09SCAUCHC16, $200,000/2yrs), USA, 2009 2. Best Oral Presentation Award at New England Stem Cell Consortium 2009 Junior Investigator Symposium, Worcester, MA, USA, 2009 3. Best Poster Presentation Award at Gordon Research Conference - RNA Editing-Roles of RNA and DNA editing and modification in cellular function, Galveston, TX, USA, 2009 4. Travel Award at Workshop on Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Viral Gene Expression, Syria, VA, USA, 2008 |
指导研究 生情况 |
目前指导两名硕博连读研究生 | |||||
个人简介 |
2009年2月毕业于美国University of Connecticut Health Center 获得生物医学博士学位,并同时获得商学院工商管理学硕士学位。同年5月作为独立PI获得 Connecticut Stem Cell Seed Award研究经费资助,受聘于University of Connecticut Stem Cell Institute 从事博士后研究,并于2010年5月起任助理教授。主要从事RNA编辑和长非编码RNA对基因表达调控和干细胞命运决定的分子机制研究。现任上海生命科学院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所研究员,研究组长。 |
近期论文 |
1. Peng S, Chen LL, Lei X, Yang L, Lin H, Carmichael GG and Huang Y. Genome-wide studies reveal that Lin28 enhances the translation of genes important for growth and survival of human embryonic stem cells. (2011) Stem Cells. In press. 2. Chen LL† and Carmichael GG†. Nuclear editing of mRNA 3'-untranslated regions by ADARs. (2011) Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. In press. 3. Chen LL†, Yang L and Carmichael GG†. Molecular basis for an attenuated cytoplasmic dsRNA response in human embryonic stem cells. (2010) Cell Cycle. 9: 3552-64. Commentaries by News and Views: • Williams BRG. Differentiating the interferon pathway. (2010) Cell Cycle. 9:17. September 1. 4. Chen LL† and Carmichael GG. Long non-coding RNAs in mammalian cells: What, Where and Why? (2010) WIREs RNA. 1: 2-21. 5. Chen LL† and Carmichael GG†. Decoding the function of nuclear long non-coding RNAs. (2010) Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 22: 357-364. 6. Chen LL and Carmichael GG. Altered nuclear retention of mRNAs containing inverted repeats in human embryonic stem cells: functional role of a nuclear noncoding RNA. (2009) Mol Cell. 35: 467-478. Commentaries by: • Scadden D. A NEAT way of regulating nuclear export of mRNAs (2009) Mol Cell. 35: 395-396. • Faculty of 1000 Biology as a MUST READ article. 7. Chen LL and Carmichael GG. Gene regulation by SINES and inosines: biological consequences of A-to-I editing of Alu element inverted repeats. (2008) Cell Cycle. 2008,7: 3297-3301. 8. Chen LL, Decerbo JN and Carmichael GG. Alu element-mediated gene silencing. (2008) EMBO J. 27: 1694-1705. 9. Zhou J, Wang Q, Chen LL and Carmichael GG. On the mechanism of induction of heterochromatin by the RNA-binding protein vigilin. (2008) RNA 14: 1773-1781. 10. Zhou J, Chen LL and Carmichael GG. A role for A to I editing in gene silencing. (2008) in “Frontiers of RNA and DNA editing”, H. Smith, ed., Wiley-Interscience, pp. 190-202. 11. Cui YM, Huang QQ, Xu J, Chen LL, Li JY, Ye QZ, Li J and Nan FJ. Identification of potent type I MetAPs inhibitors by simple bioisosteric replacement. Part 2. (2005) Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 15: 4130-4135. 12. Cui YM, Huang QQ, Xu J, Chen LL, Li JY, Ye QZ, Li J and Nan FJ. Identification of potent type I MetAP inhibitors by simple bioisosteric replacement. Part 1: Synthesis and preliminary SAR studies of thiazole-4-carboxylic acid thiazol-2-ylamide derivatives. (2005) Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 15: 3732-3736. 13. Luo QL, Li JY, Chen LL, Li J, Ye QZ and Nan FJ. Inhibitors of type I MetAPs containing pyridine-2-carboxylic acid thiazol-2-ylamide. Part 2: SAR studies on the pyridine ring 3-substituent. (2005) Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 15: 639-644. 14. Luo QL, Li JY, Chen LL, Li J, Ye QZ and Nan FJ. Inhibitors of type I MetAPs containing pyridine-2-carboxylic acid thiazol-2-ylamide. Part 1: SAR studies on the determination of the key scaffold. (2005) Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 15: 635-638. 15. Chen LL, Li J, Li JY, Luo QL, Mao WF, Shen Q, Nan FJ and Ye QZ . Type I methionine aminopeptidase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a potential target for antifungal drug screening. (2004) Acta. Pharmacol. Sin. 25: 907-914. 16. Li JY, Chen LL, Cui YM, Luo QL, Gu M, Nan FJ and Ye QZ. Characterization of full length and truncated type I hMetAP expressed from E. coli. (2004) Biochemistry 43: 7892-8. 17. Cui YM, Li JY, Chen LL, Li J, Ye QZ and Nan FJ. Design and synthesis of chromogenic thiopeptolide substrates as MetAPs active site probes. (2004) Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 12: 2853-2861. 18. Li JY, Cui YM, Chen LL, Gu M, Li J, Nan FJ and Ye QZ. Mutations at the S1 sites of methionine aminopeptidases from Escherichia coli and Homo sapiens reveal the residues critical for substrate specificity. (2004) J Biol. Chem. 279: 21128-2134. 19. Li JY, Chen LL, Cui YM, Luo QL, Li J, Nan FJ and Ye QZ. Specificity for inhibitors of metal-substituted methionine aminopeptidase. (2003) Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 307: 172-179. 20. Luo QL, Li JY, Liu ZY, Chen LL, Li J, Nan FJ and Ye QZ. Discovery and structural modification of inhibitors of methionine aminopeptidases from Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (2003) J Med. Chem. 46: 2631-2640. 21. Chen LL, Liu MX and Wang ZR. Studies on the apoptosis of retinal neurons following optic nerve injure in Zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio). (2001) J Lanzhou University 37: 76-81. |
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