
教师姓名: 谷廷坤 性别: 男 籍贯: 山东茌平 出生年月: 1966-9 最高学历: 博士
教师姓名: 谷廷坤
性别: 男
籍贯: 山东茌平
出生年月: 1966-9
最高学历: 博士
专业技术职务: 教授
导师类别: 硕导
聘任时间: 2010
所在学科: 电工理论与新技术
1985.09 – 1989.07 聊城大学物理系本科生
1992.09 – 1995.07 吉林大学原子与分子物理研究所研究生、理学硕士
2002.07 – 2005.12 山东大学博士研究生、工学博士
1995.09 – 2006.04 山东大学 讲师、 副教授
2006.05 – 2010.04 东京大学 特任研究员
2010.04 – 2010.12 山东大学副教授
2010.12 – 至今 山东大学教授
1.Gu Tungkun, Tada Tomofumi, Watanabe Satoshi, Conductive Path Formation in the Ta2O5 Atomic Switch:First-Principles Analyses. Acs Nano, 4, 6477(2010)
2.Gu Tungkun, Wang Zhongchang, Tada Tomofumi, Watanabe Satoshi, First-principles simulations on bulk Ta2O5 and Cu/Ta2O5/Pt heterojunction: Electronic structures and transport properties. Journal of Applied Physics 106, 103713(2009)
3.Watanabe Satoshi,Gu Tungkun, Wang Zhongchang, Tada Tomofumi. First Principles Calculations on Electron Conduction Paths in Solid Electrolytes: Toward an Understanding of the Working Mechanism of Atomic Switches. Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals 73, 577(2009)
4.Wang Zhongchang, Gu Tungkun, Tada Tomofumi,Watanabe Satoshi. Excess-silver-induced bridge formation in a silver sulfide atomic switch. Applied Physics letters 93, 152106(2008)
5.Wang Zhongchang, Gu Tungkun, Kadohira Takuya, Tada Tomofumi, Watanabe Satoshi. Migration of Ag in low-temperature Ag2S from first principles. Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 014704(2008)
6.Gu, Tungkun, Qin Jingyu, Bian Xiufang. Correlation between local structure of melts and glass forming ability for Al-based alloys: A first-principles study. Applied Physics Letters 91,081907 (2007)
7.Gu Tingkun, Bian Xiufang, Qin Jingyu, et al. Ab initio molecular-dynamics simulations of liquid GaSb and InSb. Physical Review B 71,104206 (2005)
8.Gu, Tungkun, Qin Jingyu, Bian, Xiufang, et al. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of liquid structure change with temperature for a GaSb alloy.Physical Review B 70, 245214 (2004)
9.Gu Tingkun, Qin Jingyu, Xu Cangye, et al.Structural, bonding, and dynamical properties of liquid Fe-Si alloys: An ab initio molecular-dynamics simulation.Physical Review B 70,144204 (2004)
10.Gu Tungkun, Qin Jingyu, Bian Xiufang, et al.Structure change of liquid GaSb under pressure: An ab initio molecular-dynamics simulation.Journal of Chemical Physics 125, 094506 (2006)
起止年月: 2010, 01-2012, 12
通讯地址: 山东大学南校区电气工程学院 邮政编码:250061
联系电话: 81696154 电子信箱: gutk@sdu.edu.cn
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