
白玉俊 教授 材料学博士,博士后。任Carbon、Inorganic Chemistry、Electrochemistry Communicatio
白玉俊 教授
材料学博士,博士后。任Carbon、Inorganic Chemistry、Electrochemistry Communications、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Journal of Composite Materials、Journal of Materials Science、Materials Research Bulletin、Journal of Applied Polymer Science、International Journal of Thermal Sciences、Journal of Materials Science and Technology、中国科学等国内外期刊审稿人。国家“863”项目、国家自然科学基金、山东省科技发展计划项目、内蒙古自治区自然科学基金、河北省自然科学基金等项目评审专家。
Email: byj97@126.com
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邮编: 250061
1. 2012.7-2013.7,横向课题:高性能改性石墨负极材料的研制。
2. 2012.1-2014.12,山东大学自主创新基金(2012ZD004):多元氧化物锂离子电池负极材料的制备及电化学性能研究。
3. 2011.10-2013.9,晶体材料国家重点实验室2011年度开放课题(KF1105):改性碳材料的吸波性能研究。
4. 2011.1-2012.12,山东省科学技术发展计划项目(2011GGX10205)新型BNNTs/Si3N4复合材料的制备及其关键技术。
5. 2010.1-2012.12,国家自然科学基金项目(50972076):氮化硼纳米管大量制备、形成机理及其对氧化铝陶瓷的强韧化作用。
6. 2009.1—2010.12,山东省科学技术发展计划项目(2009GG10003001):碳纳米管/纳米线表面包覆氮化硼技术及包覆后的相关技术研究。
7. 2009.1—2010.12,山东省科学技术发展计划项目(2009GG10003003):纳米α-Al2O3粉体的先驱体低温热解法制备及其关键技术研究。
8. 2008.12—2011.12,山东省自然科学基金项目(Y2008F40):液态金属浮力作用下纳米空心碳球的大规模制备、机理及储氢性能。
9. 2009.1—2011.12,国家自然科学基金项目(50872072):液态金属浮力下硅纳米管和纳米线的大量制备、生长机理及相关物性研究。
10. 2001年7月-2003年6月,中国博士后科学基金:通过TEM和HRTEM研究纳米半导体材料的奇异性能与组织结构的关系。
11. 2001年9月-2004年8月,主持山东省自然科学基金(Y2001F06):铜基形状记忆合金在低温下的转变特性及组织结构的演化。
12. 2001.10-2004.9,山东省第五批中青年学术骨干项目:无机非金属功能材料超细粉体的制备。
1. 2010年度山东省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师。
2. 2010年度山东大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师。
3. 2008 年国家级精品课程:工程材料与机械制造基础(金属工艺学)
4. 2005年12月, 山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖三等奖(自然类):无机材料超细粉体的制备及表征。
5. 2002年10月,山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖二等奖(自然类):CuZnAlMnNi形状记忆合金的转变行为。
6. 2001年9月,山东省科技进步三等奖(自然类):铜基形状记忆合金的相变特性及组织结构的演化。
7. 2001年12月,山东省第五批中青年学术骨干。
8. 2001年7月,山东省第六届优秀学术论文贰等奖:加热速率对CuZnAlMnNi合金微观相变特性的影响。
9. 2000年10月,山东省教委科技进步二等奖:铜基形状记忆合金的研究。
10. 2000年9月,山东大学2000年度优秀博士学位论文奖。
11. 1998年4月,山东省第五届优秀学术论文贰等奖:Mn含量对CuZnAlMnNi记忆合金相变动力学参数的影响。
1. Excellent long-term cycling stability of La–doped Li4Ti5O12 anode material at high current rates. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2012, 22: 19054–19060.
2. Large-scale synthesis of hollow highly-graphitic carbon nanospheres by the reaction of AlCl3·6H2O with CaC2. Carbon. 2012, 50:1871-1878.
3. Low Temperature Preparation of Hollow Carbon Nano-polyhedrons with Uniform Size, High Yield and Graphitization. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2012, 134(2–3): 639–645.
4. Toughening and reinforcing zirconia ceramics by introducing boron nitride nanotubes. Materials Science & Engineering A. 2012, 546: 301–306.
5. In-situ synthesis of one-dimensional MWCNT/SiC porous nanocomposites with excellent microwave absorption properties. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2011, 21(35): 13581-13587.
6. Microwave Absorption Properties of MWCNT-SiC Composites Synthesized via a Low Temperature Induced Reaction. AIP Advances 1, 032140.
7. Preparation of Carbon Nano-Onions and Their Application as Anode Materials for Rechargeable Lithium-ion Batteries. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2011, 115, 8923–8927.
8. Template-Free Synthesis of Hollow Carbon Nanospheres for High-Performance Anode Material in Lithium-Ion Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials. 2011, 1: 798–801.
9. Synthesis of hollow carbon sphere/ZnO@C composite as a light-weight microwave absorber. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2011, 44, 265502。
10. One-Step preparation of Six-Armed Fe3O4 Dendrites with Carbon Coating applicable for Anode Material of Lithium-ion Battery. Materials Letters 2011, 65, 3157–3159.
11. Microwave absorption properties of TiN nanoparticles. Journal of alloys and compounds. 2011, 509: 10032-10035.
12. Fabrication of Alumina Ceramic Reinforced with Boron Nitride Nanotubes with Improved Mechanical Properties. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2011, J. 94(11): 3636–3640.
13. Microstructure and mechanical properties of alumina ceramics reinforced by boron nitride nanotubes. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2011, 31: 2277–2284.
14. Thermal Shock Resistance Behavior of Alumina Ceramics Incorporated with Boron Nitride Nanotubes. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2011, 94(8): 2304–2307.
15. Simple synthesis of mesoporous boron nitride with strong cathodoluminescence emission. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2011, 184 (4) 859–862.
16. A catalyst-free method to silicon nanowires at relative low temperature. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2010, 312(24): 3579–3582.
17. Rapid, Low temperature synthesis of β-SiC nanowires from Si and graphite. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2010, 93 (9) 2415–2418.
18. Low-Temperature Synthesis of Meshy Boron Nitride with a Large Surface Area. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2010, 2010(20): 3174–3178.
19. Preparation of micrometer-sized α-Al2O3 platelets by thermal decomposition of AACH. Powder Technology 2010, 201(3): 273–276.
20. Facile synthesis of boron nitride coating on carbon nanotubes. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2010, 122(1): 129-132.
21. Simple synthesis of hollow carbon spheres from glucose. Materials Letters. 2009, 63(29):2564–2566.
22. Large-scale synthesis of BN nanotubes using carbon nanotubes as template. Materials Letters. 2009, 63(15): 1299-1302.
23. Facile Synthesis of Si3N4 Nanocrystals Via an Organic–Inorganic Reaction Route. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2009, 92(2): 535-538.
24. Synthesis of Carbon Spheres via a Low-Temperature Metathesis Reaction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008, 112(32), 12134–12137.
25. Rapid synthesis of graphitic carbon nitride powders by metathesis reaction between CaCN2 and C2Cl6. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2008, 112(3):1124-1128.
26. Carbon nanobelts synthesized via chemical metathesis route. Materials Letters, 2007, 61(4-5): 1122-1124.
27. HRTEM Microstructures of PAN precursor fibers. Carbon. 2006, 44(9):1773-1778.
28. Rapid synthesis of Si3N4 dendritic crystals. Scripta Materialia. 2006, 54(3): 447–451.
29. One Step Convenient Synthesis of Crystalline β-Si3N4. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2005, 15, 4832–4837.
30. Low temperature induced synthesis of TiN nanocrystals. Inorganic Chemistry. 2004, 43(12): 3558-3560.
31. Novel synthesis of nanocrystalline TiC hollow polyhedrons。Chemical Physics Letters. 2004, 388(1-3): 58-61.
32. Low-temperature preparation of silicon nitride via chemical metathesis route. Materials Letters (2004), 58(26), 3345-3347.
33. Easy synthesis of TiC nanocrystallite. Journal of crystal growth. 2004,264(1-3)316-319。
34. Solvo-thermal synthesis of crystalline dinickel phosphide. Journal of crystal growth. 2004, 260(1-2): 115-117。
35. A Novel Reduction-Oxidation Synthetic Route to cubic Zirconia Nanocrystallite. Journal of crystal growth. 2004,262(1-2): 420-423。
36. Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Ni2B via a Solvo-thermal Route. Inorganic Chemistry Communications. 2004, 7(2): 189-191。
37. Microstructural Origin of Degradation of Shape Memory Effect During Martensite Aging of CuZnAlMnNi Alloy. Journal of Advanced Materials. 2007, Special Edition No. 2: 80-83.
38. Microstructure of CuZnAlMnNi alloy due to double reversible transformations. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2000, 12(1): L61-L63。
39. Preparation of InN nanocrystals by solvo-thermal method. Journal of crystal growth. 2002, 241(1-2): 189-192.
40. Solvothermal preparation of graphite-like C3N4 nanocrystals。Journal of crystal growth. 2003, 247(3-4):505-508。
41. Structural change due to martensite aging of CuZnAlMnNi shape memory alloy。Materials Science and Engineering A. 2002, 334(1-2): 49-52.
42. Kinetic Equations Characterizing Double Reversible Transformations in Heating CuZnAlMnNi Shape Memory Alloy。Rare Metals, 2002, 21(1): 24-28.
43. Influence of initial heating temperature on reverse martensitic transformation of CuZnAlMnNi alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2000, 284:25-28.
44. Atmospheric oxidation of CuZnAlMnNi shape memory alloy. Materials Letters, 2000, 46(6): 358-361.
45. Evolution of substructure in a CuZnAlMnNi shape memory alloy. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 2001, 20 (1): 11-13.
46. Influence of dislocation structure on two-way shape memory effect in a CuZnAlMnNi alloy. Journal of Materials Science Letters. 1999, 18(18): 1509-1511.
47. Formation mechanism of curved martensite structures in Cu-based shape memory alloys. Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 2000, 16(1): 79-81.
48. Double reversible transformations under various treatment states. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2000, 10(1): 47-49.
49. Formation of dislocations in a CuZnAlMnNi shape memory alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2002, 323 (1-2): 485-487.
50. Influence of cooling in liquid nitrogen on shape memory effect of CuZnAlMnNi alloy. Materials Research Bulletin. 2001, 36(13-14): 2415-2419.
51. TEM Observation of oxidation of CuZnAlMnNi shape memory alloy. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2001, 46(21): 1837-1839.
52. Influence of heating rates on double reversible transformations in CuZnAlMnNi shape memory alloy。Rare Metals, 2001, 20(2): 117-120.
53. Influence of thermal cycling on double reversible transformations in CuZnAlMnNi shape memory alloy。Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2002, 31(2): 89-91.
54. Microstructure and Diffraction Pattern Changes Resulted from Long-term Aging of Martensite CuZnAlMnNi Shape Memory Alloy。Rare Metals, 2002, 21(4): 308-312.
55. Microstructural changes of a CuZnAlMnNi shape memory alloy due to cooling in liquid nitrogen. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2003,344(1-2)32-34.
56. Increase of lattice constant in GaP nanocrystals. Journal of crystal growth. 2002, 242(3-4): 541-545.
57. Preliminary insight into the formation process of InP and GaP nanocrystals. Solid State Sciences. 2003, 5 (7): 1037-1040.
58. A new method for the evaluation of stabilization index of polyacrylonitrile fibers. Materials Letters 2007, 61: 2292–2294。
59. Investigation on the surface coating of grinding balls. Rare Metals, 2001, 20(4): 259-264.
60. Effect of heating rate on the microphase transformation behavior in a CuZnAlMnNi alloy. Materials Characterization. 1999, 42(1): 45-49.
61. Effect of Mn content on kinetic parameters during phase transformation in CuZnAlMnNi shape memory alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China.1996, 6(3): 150-152.
62. DSC study of martensite transformation kinetics in a CuZnAlMnNi shape memory alloy. Acta Metallurgica Sinica.1996, 9(1): 56-58.
63. Chengguo Wang, Xitai Sun, Yujun Bai. Failure mechanism of laminated damping steel sheet during tensile-shearing. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2002, 18(1): 80-82.
64. Dispersion strengthened alloy due to the precipitation of carbide during mechanical alloying. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2001, 308(1-2): 292-294.
65. 通过透射电镜观察CuZnAlMnNi记忆合金的氧化. 科学通报, 2001, 46(14): 1156-1158.
1. 一种氮化硼纳米管增强增韧氧化锆陶瓷的方法。ZL201010277828.3
2. 一种低温辅助反应诱发合成碳化硅或碳化硅纳米管的方法。ZL200910020314.7
3. 一种低温反应制备多孔氮化钛的工艺。ZL200910256087.8。
4. 一种低温制备氮化硅粉体材料的方法。ZL200810015630.0。
5. 一种低温制备氮化硅粉体材料的方法。ZL200410023753.0。
6. 碳氮化钛三元化合物粉体材料的制备方法。ZL200410023706.6。
7. 氮化硼纳米管增强的二氧化硅陶瓷的制备方法。ZL201010196170.3.
8. 氮化硼纳米管增强的氧化铝陶瓷的制备方法。ZL200910014220.9。
9. 一种制备氮化硼包覆碳纳米管纳米线及氮化硼纳米管的方法。ZL200810015631.5。
10. 一种硅纳米管和纳米线的制备工艺。ZL200810014146.6。
1. 碳纳米管/纳米线表面包覆氮化硼技术及包覆后的相关技术研究。山东省科技厅鉴定,2010年12月。
2. 纳米α-Al2O3粉体的先驱体低温热解法制备及其关键技术研究。山东省科技厅鉴定,2010年12月。
3. 镁基储氢材料的形变纳米化及其关键技术的研究。山东省科技厅鉴定,2009年3月。
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