
王小宁,男,1979年7月出生,博士,药物化学研究所天然药物化学教研室。 电话:************* E-mail:wan
1. Wang, X. N.; Yu, W. T.; Lou, H. X. Antifungal constituents from the Chinese moss Homalia trichomanoides. Chemistry and Biodiversity, 2005, 2, 139-145.
2. Wang, X. N.; Fan, C. Q.; Yue, J. M. New pregnane steroids from Turraea pubescens. Steroids, 2006, 71, 720-724.
3. Wang, X. N.; Yin, S.; Fan, C. Q.; Wang, F. D.; Lin, L. P.; Ding, J.; Yue, J. M. Turrapubesins A and B, first examples of halogenated and maleimide-bearing limonoids in nature from Turraea pubescens. Organic Letters, 2006, 8, 3845-3848.
4. Wang, X. N.; Yin, S.; Fan, C. Q.; Lin, L. P.; Ding, J.; Yue, J. M. Eight new limonoids from Turraea pubescens. Tetrahedron, 2007, 63, 8234-8241.
5. Wang, X. N.; Fan, C. Q.; Yin, S.; Lin, L. P.; Ding, J.; Yue, J. M. Cytotoxic terpenoids from Turrara pubescens. Chemistry and Biodiversity, Accepted and in press.
6. Wang, X. N.; Gan, L. S.; Fan, C. Q.; Yin, S.; Yue, J. M. Alkaloids from Daphniphyllum macropodum. Helvetica Chimica Acta, Accepted and in press.
7. Wang, X. N.; Fan, C. Q.; Yin, S.; Gan, L. S.; Lin, L. P.; Ding, J.; Yue, J. M. Limonoids and steroids from Trichilia connaroides (Meliaceae). Phytochemistry, Accepted and in press.
8. Zhang, H.; Wang, X. N.; Lin, L. P.; Ding, J.; Yue, J. M. Indole alkaloids from three species of the Ervatamia Genus: E. officinalis, E. divaricata, and E. divaricata Gouyahua. Journal of Natural Products, 2007, 70, 54-59.
9. Yin, S.; Wang, X. N.; Fan, C. Q.; Lin, L. P.; Ding, J.; Yue, J. M. Limonoids from the seeds of the marine mangrove Xylocarpus granatum. Journal of Natural Products, 2007, 70, 682-685.
10. He, X. F.; Wang, X. N.; Fan, C. Q.; Gan, L. S.; Yin, S.; Yue, J. M. Chemical constituents of Polyalthia nemoralis. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2007, 90, 783-791.
11. Yin, S.; Wang, X. N.; Fan, C. Q.; Liao, S. G.; Yue, J. M. The first limonoid peroxide in the Meliaceae family: walsuronoid A from Walsura robusta. Organic Letters, 2007, 9, 2353-2356.
12. Fan, C. Q.; Wang, X. N.; Yin, S.; Zhang, C. R.; Wang, F. D.; Yue, J. M. Tabularisins A−D, phragmalin ortho esters with new skeleton isolated from the seeds of Chukrasia tabularis. Trtrahedron, 2007, 63, 6741-6747.
13. Chen, Y. Y.; Wang, X. N.; Fan, C. Q.; Yin, S.; Yue, J. M. Swiemahogins A and B, two novel limonoids from Swietenia mahogany. Tetrahedron Letters, 2007, 48, 7480-7484.
14. Gan, L. S.; Wang, X. N.; Wu, Y.; Yue, J. M. Tetranortriterpenoids from Cipadessa baccifera. Journal of Natural Products, 2007, 70, 1344-1347.
15. Zhang, H.; Odeku, O. A.; Wang, X. N.; Yue, J. M. Phragmalin-type limonoids from the stem bark of Khaya grandifoliola. Phytochemistry, Accepted and in press, doi:10.1016/j.phytochem.2007.06.009.
16. Yin, S.; Fan, C. Q. Wang, X. N.; Yue J. M. Lycodine-type alkaloids from Lycopodium casuarinoides. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2006, 89, 138-143.
17. Yin, S.; Fan, C. Q.; Wang, X. N.; Lin, L. P.; Ding, J.; Yue, J. M. Xylogranatins A-D: novel tetranortriterpenoids with an unusual 9,10-seco scaffold from marine mangrove Xylocarpus granatum. Organic Letters, 2006, 8, 4935-4938.
18. Zhou, Z. W.; Yin, S.; Wang, X. N.; Fan, C. Q.; Li, H.; Yue, J. M. Two new lignan glycosides from Saussurea laniceps. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2007, 90, 951-956.
19. Sun, S. J.; Lou, H. X.; Gao, Y. H.; Fan, P. H.; Ma, B.; Ge, W. Y.; Wang, X. N. Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric method for the analysis of fluconazole and evaluation of the impact of phenolic compounds on the concentration of fluconazole in Candida albicans. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2004, 34, 1117-1124.
20. 王小宁, 娄红祥. 苔藓植物化学成分及医药应用, 山东卫生. 2003, 54-55.
21. 王小宁, 娄红祥. 苔藓植物中的酚类化合物. 天然产物研究与开发, 2004, 16, 353-358.
22. 王小宁, 娄红祥. 扁枝藓化学成分研究. 中国药学杂志, 2005, 40, 1131-1133.
23. 王小宁, 娄红祥. 扁枝藓中锯齿石松烷型三萜的NMR化学位移全归属. 波谱学杂志, 2005, 22, 35-41.
24. 王小宁,娄红祥. 苔藓植物生物活性成分研究进展. 中草药, 2005, 36, 303-307.
25. 娄红祥, 王小宁. 苔藓植物化学成分研究. 天然产物化学进展; 于德泉, 吴毓林 主编; 化学工业出版社: 北京, 2005年; pp 251-300.
26. 王小宁, 娄红祥. 藓类植物化学成分, 苔藓植物化学与生物学. 娄红祥 主编; 北京科学技术出版社: 北京, 2006年; pp 108-122.
27. 王小宁, 娄红祥. 苔藓植物中的活性成分, 苔藓植物化学与生物学. 娄红祥 主编; 北京科学技术出版社: 北京, 2006年; pp 212-233.
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