
赵小凡 教授 博士生导师 电话;************* E-mail:xfzhao@sdu.edu.cn 教育背
赵小凡 教授
Research interest: We use the cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) as a model to investigate the mechanism of insect molting and metamorphosis by molecular methods. Recent studies include: 20-OH-ecdysteroid hormone signal transduction pathway; expression and regulation of molting and metamorphosis related genes; molecular mechanism of tissue remodeling; and function of haemocytes in molting and metamorphosis.
1. 昆虫血细胞在变态中的功能和作用机理, 国家自然科学基金。
2. 害虫暴发成灾的遗传与行为机理,国家重大基础研究项目973。
14. 棉铃虫皮层溶离中蛋白酶表达及调控研究,国家自然科学基金, 2007.1-2009.12。项目负责人。
13. 重大农业害虫猖獗危害的机制及可持续控制的基础研究——害虫生长发育与生殖调控的分子机制。国家重大基础研究项目(973)。2006.1-2010.12。参加。
12. 家蚕重要经济性状功能基因克隆,国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)2006. 1-2010.12。参加。
11.昆虫蜕皮激素信号转导途径研究,国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目, 2008.1-2011.12月。项目负责人。
10. 棉铃虫蜕皮级联反应功能基因表达研究, 国家自然科学基金重点项目,2004.1-2007.12。项目负责人。
9. 基因重组病毒杀虫剂研究,山东省自然科学基金重点项目,2004.1-2006.12. 项目负责人。
8. 重组病毒杀虫剂的研制,863,国家科技部, 2001-2004. 项目负责人。
7. 棉铃虫蜕皮调节转录因子基因克隆和表达载体构建,国家自然科学基金,2001.1-2003.1. 项目负责人。
6. 棉铃虫卵蛋白酶基因克隆及功能表达, 国家自然科学基金, 1999.1-2001.12. 项目负责人。
5. RH-化合物对棉铃虫的防治效果研究, 山东省科委国际合作基金, 1998.1-2000.12. 项目负责人。
4. 蜕皮激素类似物合成及对棉铃虫的防治研究, 山东省科委优秀年轻教师奖励基金,1999.1-2000.12. 项目负责人。
3. 棉铃虫卵内蛋白酶纯化, 国家自然科学基金主任基金, 1998.1-12. 项目负责人。
2. 鳞翅目昆虫卵内蛋白酶纯化性质与cDNA克隆. 国家教育部优秀年轻教师基金, 1996.1-1998.12. 项目负责人。
1. 蓖麻蚕卵黄蛋白质降解酶研究,国家教育部留学回国人员基金,1992.1-1994.12. 项目负责人。
63. Wang Chuan-Xu, Zheng Wei-Wei,Liu Peng-Cheng, Wang Jin-Xing, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2012, The steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone upregulated the protein phosphatase 6 for the programmed cell death in the insect midgut. Amino Acids. DOI 10.1007/s00726-011-1159-9.
62. Dong Du-Juan, Liu Peng-Cheng,Wang Jin-Xing, Xiao-Fan Zhao*, 2012, The knockdown of Ha-GRIM-19 by RNA interference induced programmed cell death. Amino Acids. 42(4):1297-307.
61. He Hong-Juan, Hou Li, Wang Jin-Xing,Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2012, The apoptosis inhibitor survivin prevents insect midgut from cell death during postembryonic development. Molecular Biology Report. 39(2):1691-9.
60. Zhang Feng-Xia, Shao Hong-Lian, Wang Jin-Xing, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2011,b-thymosin is upregulated by the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone and microorganisms.Insect Molecular Biology. 20, 519–527.
59. Liu Peng-Cheng, Wang Jin-Xing, Song Qi-Sheng, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2011, The participation of calponin in the crosstalk between 20-Hydroxyecdysone and juvenile hormone signaling pathways by phosphorylation variation. PLoS ONE. 6: e19776.
58. Wang Gang, Liu Peng-Cheng, Wang Jin-Xing, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2011, A BTBdomain-containinggeneis upregulatedby immunechallenge. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. 77:58-71.
57. Yang Xiao-Hui, Liu Peng-Cheng, Zheng Wei-Wei, Wang Jin-Xing, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2011, The juvenile hormone analogue methoprene up-regulates the Ha-RNA-binding protein. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 333: 172–180.
56. Hou Li, Wang Jin-Xing, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2010, Rab32 and the remodeling of the imaginal midgut in Helicoverpa armigera. Amino Acids, DOI 10.1007/s00726-010-0720-2.
55. Wang Qian, Liu Yang, He Hong Juan, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, Jin-Xing Wang*, 2010, Immune response of Helicoverpa armigera to different kinds of pathogens. BMC Immunology. 11:9.
54. Wang Jia-Lin, Wang Li-fu, Wang Jin-Xing, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2010, The expression patterns of a eukaryotic initiation factor 3 subunit h in the silk glands in Bombyx mori. Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology. 75:1-12.
53. He Hong-Juan, Wang Qian, Zheng Wei-Wei, Wang Jin-Xing, Song Qi-Sheng, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2010, Function of Nuclear Transport Factor 2 and Ran in the 20E signal transduction pathway in the Cotton Bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera. BMC Cell Biology. 11:1.
52. Wang Li-Fu, Chai Lian-Qin, He Hong-Juan, Wang Qian, Wang Jin-Xing, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2010, The cathepsin L-like proteinase is involved in molting and metamorphosis in Helicoverpa armigera. Insect Molecular Biology, 19:99-111.
51. Zheng Wei-Wei, Yang Dan-Tong, Wang Jin-Xing, Song Qi-Sheng, Gilbert Lawrence I., Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2010, Hsc70 binds to ultraspiracle resulting in the upregulation of 20-hydroxyecdsone-responsive genes in Helicoverpa armigera. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 315: 282-291.
50. Fu Qiang, Liu Peng-Cheng, Wang Jin-Xing, Song Qi-Sheng, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2009, Proteomic identification of differentially expressed and phosphorylated proteins in epidermis involved in larval-pupal metamorphosis of Helicoverpa armigera. BMC Genomics. 10:600.
49. Liu Yang, Sui Yi-Peng, Wang Jin-Xing and Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2009, Characterization of the trypsin-like protease (ha-tlp2) constitutively expressed in the integument of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. 72:74-87.
48. Sui Yi-Peng, Wang Jin-Xing and Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2009, The impacts of classical insect hormones on the expression profiles of a new digestive trypsin-like protease (TLP) from the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera. Insect Molecular Biology. 18: 443-452.
47. Sui Yi-Peng, Liu Xiao-Bin, Chai Lian-Qin, Wang Jin-Xing, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2009, Characterization and influences of classical insect hormones on the expression profiles of a molting carboxypeptidase A from the cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera). Insect Molecular Biology, 18: 353–363.
46. Dong Du-Juan, Wang Jin-Xing, Zhao Xiao-Fan*. 2009, A eukaryotic initiation factor 5C is upregulated during metamorphosis in the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera. BMC Developmental Biology. 9:19.
45. Wang Jia-Lin, Zhang Ya-Ping, Gu Yin-Yu, Wang Jin-Xing and Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2009, Function of a TGF-inducible nuclear protein in the silk gland in Bombyx mori. Insect Molecular Biology.18: 243–251.
44. Tian Yuan-Yuan, Liu Yang, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, Wang Jin-Xing*, 2009, Characterization of a C-type lectin from the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 33:772–779.
43. Shao Hong-Lian, Zheng Wei-Wei, Liu Peng-Cheng, Wang Qian, Wang Jin-Xing, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2008, Establishment of a New Cell Line from Lepidopteran Epidermis and Hormonal Regulation on the Genes. PLoS ONE 3: e3127.
42. Sui Yi-Peng, Wang Jin-Xing and Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2008, Effects of classical insect hormones on the expression profiles of a lipase gene from the cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera). Insect Molecular Biology. 17: 523 – 529.
41. Shao Hong-Lian, Dong Du-Juan, Hu Jin-Dong, Wang Jin-Xin, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2008, Construction of the recombinant baculovirus AcMNPV with cathepsin B-like proteinase and its insecticidal activity against Helicoverpa armigera. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 91:141-161.
40. Wang Jia-Lin, Wang Jin-Xing,Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2008, Molecular Cloning and Expression Profiles of the Acyl-CoA-Binding Protein Gene From the Cotton Bollworm Helicoverpa armigera. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. 68:79–88.
39.Chai Lian-Qin, Tian Yuan-Yuan, Yang Dan-Tong, Wang Jin-Xing, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2008, Molecular cloning and characterization of a C-type lectin from the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 32:71-83.
38.Yang Dan-Tong, Chai Lian-Qin, Wang Jin-Xing, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2008, Molecular cloning and characterization of Hearm caspase-1 from Helicoverpa armigera. Molecular Biology Report. 35:405-12.
37. Yang Xiao-Mei, Hou Li-Jing, Wang Jin-Xing, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2007, Expression and Function of Cathepsin B-Like Proteinase in Larval Hemocytes of Helicorverpa armigera during Metamorphosis. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. 64:164–174.
36. Hu Jindong, Shao Honglian, Zhang Yubao, Fu Qiang, Sun Chen,Wang Jinxing, Zhao Xiaofan*,2007,Construction of HaSNPV with Helicoverpa hormone receptor 3. High Technology Letters, 3:327-331.
35. Shao Hong-Lian,Dong Du-Juan,Hu Jin-Dong,Zhang Xin-Chang,Zhang Yu-Bao,Fu Qiang,Sun Chen,Wang Jin-Xin,Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2007, Reconstruction of AcMNPV with Helicoverpa hormone receptor 3 and its effect on the Helicoverpa larvae. Biocontrol Science and Technology. 17: 95-104.
34. Dong Du-Juan1, He Hong-Juan1, Chai Lian-Qin1, Jiang Xiao-Juan, Wang Jin-Xing, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2007, Identification of genes differentially expressed during larval molting and metamorphosis of Helicoverpa armigera. BMC Developmental Biology, 7:73.
33.Wang Jia-Lin, Jiang Xiao-Juan, Wang Qian, Hou Li–Jing, Xu Da-Wei, Wang Jin-Xing, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2007, Identification and expression profile of a putative basement membrane protein gene in the midgut of Helicoverpa armigera. BMC Developmental Biology, 7:76.
32. Zhang Xin-Chang, Shao Hong-Lian, Wang Jin-Xing, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2006, Purification of an inhibitor of Helicoverpa cathepsin B-like proteinase from sunflower seed. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 21: 433–439.
31. Yang Xiao-Mei, Hou Li-Jing, Dong Du-Juan, Shao Hong-Lian, Wang Jin-Xing, Zhao Xiao-Fan*, 2006, Cathepsin B-Like Proteinase Is Involved in the Decomposition of the Adult Fat Body of Helicoverpa armigera. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 62:1-10.
30. Zhao Xiao-Fan*, He Hong-Juan, Dong Du-Juan, Wang Jin-Xing. 2006, Identification of Differentially Expressed Proteins during Larval Molting of Helicoverpa armigera. Journal of Proteome Research, 5:164-169.
29.Zhao Xiao-Fan*, An Xiao-Meng, Wang Jin-Xing, Dong Du-Juan, Du Xin-Jun, Sueda S. and Kondo H., 2005,Expression of Helicoverpa cathepsin B-like proteinase during embryonic development,Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 58: 39-46.
28.Zhao Xiao-Fan*, Wang Jin-Xing, Li Fei-Xue, Sueda Shinji, Kondo Hiroki. 2005,Analysis of substrate specificity and endopeptidyl cleavage sites of the cathepsin B-like proteinase from Helicoverpa armigera, The Protein Journal, 24:219 – 225.
27.Zhao Xiao-fan*, Wang Jin-Xing, Xu Xia-Lian, Li Zhao-Min, Kang Cui-Jie, 2004,Molecular cloning and expression patterns of molt-regulating transcription factor-hhr3 from Helicoverpa armigera. Insect Molecular Biology.13:407-412.
26. Zhao Xiaofan*, Li Zhaomin, Wang Jinxing, Wang Jiabao, Wang Shengli, Blankespoor D. Harvey, 2003, Efficacy of RH-2485, a new non-steroidal ecdysone agonist, against cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (lepidoptera: noctuidae) in laboratory and field. Crop Protection. 22:959-965.
25. Zhao X-F*, Wang J-X, Xu X-L, Schmid R., Wieczorek H., 2002,Molecular cloning and characterization of the cathepsin B-like proteinase from the cotton boll worm, Helicoverpa armigera. Insect Molecular Biology. 11: 567-575.
24. Merzendorfer H.,Reineke S.,Zhao X-F, Jacobmeier B., Harvey W.R., Wieczorek H., 2000,The multigene family of the tobacco hornworm V-ATPase: novel subunits a, C, D, H, and putative isoforms. Biochemica et Biophysica Acta. 1467:369-379.
23.Zhao Xiao-Fan*, Wang Jin-Xing, Wang Yin-Chang,1998, Purification and characterization of a cysteine proteinase from eggs of the cotton boll worm, Helicoverpa armigera. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 28:259-264.
22. Zhao Xiaofan, Wang Jinxing, Noriko Yagi., Yamamoto Yoshimi, Watabe Shoji, Takahashi Y. Sussum, 1996,Occurrence of a cathepsin B-like acid cystein proteinase in the eggs of silkworm moth, Antheraea pernyi. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 113B: 95-103.
21. Takahashi S.Y., Yamamoto Y., Zhao X-F, Watabe S., 1996, Bombyx acid cysteine proteinase. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development. 30:265-281.
20. Yamamoto Y., Zhao X-F,Suzuki A.C., Takahashi. S Y., 1994, Cysteine proteinase from the eggs of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori: site of synthesis and a suggested role in yolk protein degradation. Journal of Insect Physiology. 40: 447-454.
19. Takahashi S.Y., Zhao X-F, Kageyama T., Yamamoto Y., 1992,Acid cysteine proteinase from the eggs of silkmoth, Bombyx mori: tissue distribution, developmental changes and the sites of synthesis for the enzyme. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 22: 369-377.
18. 赵小凡,2007,昆虫蜕皮的分子机理及应用。昆虫知识,44:323-326。
17. 郑薇薇, 张玉宝, 王金星, 赵小凡*,2007,棉铃虫蜕皮时期同工酶表达模式。昆虫学报, 50:317-322。
16.董杜鹃 扈进冬 张新昌 李子劲 王金星 赵小凡* 2006, HCB在Pichia中的表达及鉴定。生物工程杂志, 26 : 44-48。
14. 张新昌,刘杨,王金星,赵小凡*, 2005,从大豆中纯化棉铃虫组织蛋白酶B抑制因子HCB-SoyI。昆虫学报, 48:849-853。
13.杨晓梅,侯立静,董杜鹃,王金星,赵小凡*,2005, 组织蛋白酶B在棉铃虫发育过程中的表达及活性研究。山东大学学报. 40:119-124。
12.邵红莲,赵小凡*,董杜鹃,扈进冬,邵丁丁,杨晓梅,王金星,2005,棉铃虫组织蛋白酶B在杆状病毒表达系统中的表达。山东大学学报, 40:107-111。
11、杨晓梅,侯立静,康翠洁,邵红莲,张新昌,杜欣军,王金星,赵小凡*, 2004,棉铃虫组织蛋白酶B单克隆抗体的制备及鉴定。山东大学学报,39:116-120。
10.安晓萌,杜欣军,邵红莲,邵丁丁,赵小凡*,王金星,2004, 棉铃虫组织蛋白酶B多克隆抗体制备及鉴定。昆虫知识, 41:132-126。
9.杜欣军,邵丁丁,赵小凡*,王金星,2004, 棉铃虫组织蛋白酶B在大肠杆菌中的表达。农业生物技术学报, 12:162-166。
8.赵小凡*,蒋晓娟,杜欣军,徐筠娉,王金星,2004,棉铃虫蜕皮调节转录因子在大肠杆菌中的重组表达及包涵体纯化。昆虫学报, 47:281-286。
7. 李照民,赵小凡*,王金星,李斐雪,王家宝,王胜利, 2003,非甾醇类蜕皮激素竞争物RH-2485对棉铃虫蛋白质组成和表皮结构的影响。动物学研究, 24:140-143。
6. 张志宏, 赵小凡*, 王金星, 2002,棉铃虫卵内半胱氨酸蛋白酶的分离纯化、氨基酸序列分析及蛋白酶鉴定。昆虫学报,45:840-843。
5. 张志宏, 王金星, 赵小凡*, 王来元,2002, 棉铃虫雌性成虫脂肪体cDNA文库的构建。山东大学学报, 37:449-451。
4. 李照民,赵小凡*, 李斐雪,王金星,2002,RH-2485对棉铃虫实验室防治效果实验。植物保护学报, 29:78-82。
3. 徐夏莲,赵小凡*, 王金星,2001,棉铃虫组织蛋白酶B组织分布与合成部位研究。动物学研究,22:242-245。
2. 李斐雪, 李照民, 张志宏, 徐夏莲, 赵小凡*, 王金星, 2001,棉铃虫半胱氨酸蛋白酶底物特异性研究。农业生物技术学报,9:152-155。
1. 赵小凡, 2001, 昆虫学研究热点述评。《国际学术动态》,2:51-53。
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