
张举仁 教授 博士生导师 邮编:250100 E-mail:jrzhang@sdu.edu.cn 教育背景
张举仁 教授
项目 项目编号 项目来源 合同日期 合同经费
1.转基因农作物新品种培育-玉米转基因育种 北京市科技局 2007-2009 10万
2.玉米磷酸肌醇系统基因的表达变化对细胞抗逆性的影响 30771127 国家自然科学基金委 2008-2010 30万
3.玉米抗逆 抗病 品质的功能基因组研究 2006AA10A107 科技部863 2006-2010 60万
4.玉米大豆高产优质品种分子设计和选育基础研究 2009CB118400-7 科技部973 2009-2013 50万
5.利用分子标记辅助选择技术培育玉米高产多抗自交 2007AA10Z175 科技部863 2007-2010 141万
6.超级玉米育种新种质创制 2007BAD31B01 科技部支撑计划 2007-2010 696万
7.重要调控元件克隆和功能验证 2008ZX08009-004 国家重大专项 2008-2010 195万
8.抗病虫、抗除草剂转基因玉米新品种培育 2008ZX08003-001 国家重大专项 2008-2010 150万
9.抗逆转基因玉米新品种培育 2008ZX08003-004 国家重大专项 2008-2010 260万
10.抗旱基因TsDREB2A、ZmDGK1的玉米遗传转化和新材料的创制与筛选 2009ZX08003-007B 国家重大专项 2009-2010 100万
11.高直链淀粉转基因新材料创制 2009ZX08003-001B国家重大专项 2009-2010 150万
12.Identifying transcription factors that control 国际合作 2009-2011 29.4万美元
2.发明名称:一种转化大粒种子植物的方法及应用。 专利号:ZL01104428.4
Overexpression of Thellungiella halophila H+-PPase (TsVP) in cotton enhances drought stress resistance of plants. Planta 2009, 229:899–910.
Production of marker-free transgenic maize with improved salt tolerance through FLP/frt recombination system. Journal of Biotechnology. 2009, doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2009.11.010
The transgene pyramiding tobacco with betaine synthesis and heterologous expression of AtNHX1 is more tolerant to salt stress than either of the tobacco lines with betaine synthesis or AtNHX1. Physiologia Plantarum, 2009,135: 281-295.
Identification and characterization of two members of the FtsH gene family in maize. Molecular Biology Reports, 2009,DOI: 10.1007/s11033-009-9691-3.
Zhenhua Sui, Linyuan Niu, Guidong Yue, Aifang Yang, Juren Zhang, Cloning and expression analysis of some genes involved in the phosphoinositide and phospholipid signaling pathways from maize (Zea mays L.). Gene 2008,426:47-56.
Comparative proteome analyses of phosphorus responses in maize (Zea mays L.) roots of wild-type and low-P tolerance mutant reveal root characteristics associated with P-efficiency. The Plant Journal, 2008, 55:927-939.
Overexpression of an H+-PPase gene from Thellungiella halophila in cotton enhances salt tolerance and improves growth and photosynthetic performance. Plant Cell and Physiology, 2008, 49:1150-1164.
Heterologous expression of the TsVP gene improves the drought resistance of maize. Plant Biotechnology Journal , 2008, 6: 146-159.
Differential gene expression analysis of maize leaf at heading stage in response to water-deficit stress. Bioscience Rep.2008, 028 :125-134..
Enhanced expression of phospholipase C 1 (ZmPLC1) improves drought tolerance in transgenic maize. Planta,2008,227:1127-1140.
Kernel amino acid composition and protein content of introgression lines from Zea mays ssp. mexicana into cultivated maize. Journal of Cereal Science, 2007,48:387-393.
Proteomic analysis of roots growth and metabolic changes under phosphorus defecit in maize (Zea mays L.) plants. Proteomics, 2007, 7, 1501–1512.
Increase of glycinebetaine synthesis improves drought tolerance in cotton. Molecular Breeding, 2007, 20: 233-248.
Efficient production and characrerization for maize inbred lines with low-phosphorus tolerance. Plant Science, 2007, 172: 255-264.
Effects of water-deficit stress on the transcriptomes of developing immature ear and tassel in maize. Plant Cell Reports, 2007, 26:2137-2147.
Heterologous expressing vacuolar H+-PPase enhanced electrochemical gradient across vacuolar membrane and improved tobacco cell salt tolerance. Protoplasm, 2007,232: 87–95.
Improving freezing tolerance of transgenic tobacco expressing sucrose: sucrose 1-fructosyltransferase gene from Lactuca sativa. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2007, 89: 37-48.
Improved method for assaying maize plant resistance to maize rough dwarf disease by artificial inoculation and real-time RT-PCR. . European Journal of Plant Pathology. (2006) 116:289-300..
An efficient adventitious shoot regeneration system for Zhanhua winter jujube (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.) using leaf explants. Plant Cell Reports,2005,23:775-779.
In vitro induction of tetraploid plants from diploid Zizyphus jujuba Mill. cv. Zhanhua. Plant Cell Reports, 2005,24:671-676.
Characterization of a novel phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C from Zea mays and its expression in Escherichia coli。Biotechnology Letters, (2005) 27: 799-804.
Enhancement of resistance to aphids by introducing the snowdrop lectin gene gna into maize plants. Journal of Bioscience,(2005) 30(5):101-109.
Optimization of in Vitro Multiple Shoot Clump Induction and Plantlet Regeneration of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.), Plant Cell, Tissue, Organ Culture, (2005) 83: 342-350.
Stability of inheritance of transgenes in maize (Zea mays L.) lines produced using different transformation methods. Euphytica,(2005), 144:11-22.
Snowdrop lectin (Galanthus nivalis agglutinin; GNA) expressing maize enhanced resistance to Asian corn borer (Ostrinia furnacalis Guenée). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, (2005) 47: 873-880.
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