
林建群Jian-qun Lin, Principal Investigator, Professor,Ph.D Director Vice-director of State K
林建群Jian-qun Lin, Principal Investigator, Professor,Ph.D Director
Vice-director of State Key Lab of Microbial Technology
Vice-director of School of Life Science, Shandong Unversity
Phone: +86-531-88364426
Fax: +86-531-88565610
Email: jianqunlin@sdu.edu.cn
庞昕Xin Pang Associate Professor. +86-531-88365990; pangxin@sdu.edu.cn
Address: Shanda Nan Road 27#, Shandong University, School of Life Science
2002 – 2004, Postdoc in Uniformed Service University, USA
1999–present, Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor, Shandong University
1997 – 1998 Postdoc in Osaka University, Japan
1992 – 1997, M.Sc.& Ph.D in CAS
1988 – 1992, B.Sc. in Department of Microbiology, Shandong University
2002-2004 the General Programof National Natural Science Foundation of China
2004-2009 the National 973 Program
2010-2014 the National 973 Program
1.Investigations of the molecular mechanisms of Fe(II) & sulfur oxidation in autotrophic bacteria;
2.Pathway engineering of autotrophic bacteria towards the efficient capability of Fe(II) & sulfur biological oxidation;
3.Investigations of the molecular mechanisms of stress response of autotrophic bacteria using genomics & proteomics methods.
1)Cd(II) and As(III) bioaccumulation by recombinant Escherichia coli expressing oligomeric human metallothioneins. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011,185(2-3):1605-1608.
2) Arsenic resistance operon structure in Leptospirillum ferriphilum and proteomic response to arsenic stress, Bioresource Technology, 2010,101: 9811–9814.
3) Overexpression of Rusticyanin in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans ATCC19859 Increased Fe(II) Oxidation Activity. Curr Microbiol,2011,62(1):320-324.
4)Method Development for Electrotransformation of Acidithiobacillus caldus. J.Microbiol. Biotechnol,2010,20(1):39-44
5) Competitive adsorption of binary mixture of Leptospirillum ferriphilum and Acidithiobacillus caldus onto pyrite. Biotechnol Bioprocess Engineering,2010,15:923-930
6) Construction of recombinant mercury resistant Acidithiobacillus caldus Microbiological Research, doi:10.1016/ j.micres.2010.10. 003 (on line)
7) Respirometry studies of bioleaching of low grade chalcopyrite ore using six acidophile strains. Minerals Engineering . doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2011.03.011 (on line)
8) Bioaccumulation of Arsenic in recombinant Escherichia coli expressing human metallothionein,Biotechnol Bioprocess Engineering,2009,14:565-570
9) Isolation,Identification and Performance studies of a novel paraffin-degrading bacterium of Gordonia amicalis LH3,2008,Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering,13:61-68
10) Modeling and Simulation of Enargite Bioleaching,Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2008,16(5):785-790
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