
林建强 教授 博士生导师 电话:************* E-mail:jianqianglin@sdu.edu.cn
林建强 教授
1991-1992,山东大学 助教;1993-1998,山东大学 讲师;1999-20018,山东大学 副教授;1999.12-2001.4,韩国 仁荷大学,博士后研究员;2002 至今,山东大学 教授;2002,7-8,韩国 仁荷大学访问学者;2003,8-10,韩国 仁荷大学访问学者;2003至今,山东大学博士生导师。
1.Xu, P., Lin J., Lin, J.,Jiang, B., 1994. Xanthan gum production with pumping static-mixing loop fermentor (PS-loop fermentor), Biotechnol.Lett.,16:523-526.
2.Lin, J., Takagi,M., Qu, Y., Gao, P., Yoshida, T.,1999, Enhanced monoclonal antibody production by gradual increase of osmotic pressure. Cytotechnology, 29:27-33.
3.Lin, J., Takagi,M., Qu, Y., Gao, P., Yoshida, T.,1999, Metabolic flux change in hybridoma cells under high osmotic pressure.Journal of Bioscience Bioeng. (old name: J. Fermentation Biotech.) 87: 255-257.
4.Lin, J., Lee, S., Lee, H., and Koo, Y., 2000, Modeling of typical microbial cell growth in batch culture, Biotechnol. Bioprocess Eng., 5: 382-385.
5.Lin, J., Lee, S., and Koo, Y., 2001, Hydrolysis of paper mill sludge using an improved enzyme system, J. Microbiology Biotech., 11: 362-368.
6.Liu, X., Qi, M., Lin, J.,Wu, Z., and Qu, Y., 2001, Asparagine residue at 71 position is responsible for alkali-tolerance of the xylanase from Bacillus pumilus A-30, J. Microbiology Biotech., 11: 534-538.
7.Lin, J., Takagi,M., Qu, Y., Gao, P., Yoshida, T., 2002, Possible strategy for on-line monitoring and control of hybridoma cell culture. Biochemical Engineering Journal 11 : 205–209.
8.Li, Q., Kang, C., Lin, J., Wang, H., Zhang, C., 2002, Application of petroleum bacterium to treat oil field waste water, Journal Chemical Industry and Engineering (China), 53: 12-14.
9.Lin, J., Lee, S., and Koo, Y., 2004. Model development for lactic acid fermentation and parameter optimization using genetic algorithm, J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 14: 1163-1169.
10.Lin, J., Lee, S., and Koo, Y., 2004. Modeling and simulation of lactic acid fermentation with inhibition effects of lactic acid and glucose. Biotechnol. Bioprocess Eng., 9: 52-58.
11.张长铠,林建强, 2000, 第五章.微生物的代谢, 沈萍主编《面向21世纪系列教材:微生物学》,高等教育出版社,pp.96-127.
12.Lee, S., Lin, J., and Koo, Y., 2002, Chapter 10. Hydrolysis of paper mill sludge using mixed cellulose system: Enzymatic hydrolysis of paper sludge. In: Biological Systems Engineering, edited by: Marten MR, Park TH, and Nagamune T,(英国)牛津大学出版社. pp.121-138.
13.Lee, S., Koo, Y., and Lin, J., 2004,Production of lactic acid from paper sludge by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation. In: Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, Publisher: Springer-Verlag Heidelberg,Volume 87:pp.173-194.
14.Lin, J., Lee, S., and Koo, Y., 2005. Modeling and simulation of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of paper mill sludge to lactic acid. J.Microbiol.Biotechnol.
15.Hao, D., Lin, J., Song, X., Lin, J., Su, Y., Qu, Y., 2008, Isolation, Identification, and Performance Studies of a Novel Paraffin-degrading Bacterium of Gordonia amicalis LH3. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering.
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