
冯力骏 教授 博士生导师 Tel:************* E-Mail:DrFeng@sdu.edu.cn 教育背景
冯力骏 教授
1989-1993年 山东大学生物系 本科(生物化学)
1993-1995年 山东省科学院 助理工程师
1995-2000年 美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校(SUNY at Buffalo),
2000-2004年 美国爱因斯坦医学院(Albert Einstein College of Medicine)
2005年-至今 山东大学 教授,博导(发育分子生物学)
1.利用Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome(HPS)小鼠模型--pale ear(ep), pearl (pe) 和双突变(ep/ pe)研究HPS的致病机制,为临床治疗提供线索。 HPS是一组少见的常染色体隐性遗传病,患病病人一般在30-40岁左右死亡,目前尚无有效的治疗方法。在细胞水平上,HPS蛋白的缺失可导致多种溶酶体相关细胞器( 包括溶酶体、黑色素体、血小板致密体、肺II型上皮细胞lamellar 小体,CTL细胞lytic小体等)出现形态和功能的异常。 我们已发现在HPS小鼠中虹膜和视网膜色素上皮细胞存在明显的发育异常。我们还发现HPS小鼠存在生殖力低下的问题。本工作得到两项国家自然科学基金面上项目(90608001, 2007/01-2009/12, 35 万元;30971659, 2010/01-2012/12, 32 万元)和山东省自然科学基金重点项目(2008-2010, 7万元)资助。
2.海洋模式生物文昌鱼免疫防御的关键基因研究。文昌鱼作为一种头索动物,在进化上正好位于无脊椎动物和脊椎动物之间,由于其形体结构、发育模式和基因组都是脊椎动物最基本和原始的模型,文昌鱼被公认为研究脊椎动物起源与进化的经典模式生物。新近的研究表明,文昌鱼不仅具有普遍存在于各种生物体中的以非特异识别为特征的免疫防御机制,而且具有以特异性“非己”识别为特征的原始适应性免疫分子。从而使文昌鱼成为研究脊椎动物免疫系统起源与进化以及探讨无脊椎动物和脊椎动物免疫系统演化关系的理想模型。另外通过与其它海洋生物免疫系统的纵向比较,可以帮助我们找到海洋生物特有的防御机制,认识和阐明海水养殖动物免疫防御机制对病原感染应答的规律,为海水养殖动物的病害控制提供新思路,为病害的免疫防治技术提供理论依据。我们已克隆多个文昌鱼免疫相关基因,正在深入研究其功能。本工作得到 海洋863 重大项目课题(2008AA092603, 2009-2012, 503万元)资助。
1.AP-3衔接蛋白复合体在视网膜发育过程中的作用。 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 主持,项目编号30971659, 2010/01-2012/12, 32 万元。
2.海洋模式生物文昌鱼免疫防御的关键基因研究。 海洋863 重大项目课题,主持,项目编号2008AA0926039, 2008-2011, 503万元。
3.免疫系统起源的亿年超前追溯。973 ,学术骨干,项目编号2007CB815800, 2007-2010,98万元。
4.BLOC3 蛋白复合体在黑色素体生成, 发育和功能调控中的作用。国家自然科学基金面上项目, 主持,项目编号90608001,2007/01-2009/12, 35 万元。
5.HPS 蛋白在小鼠视网膜发育过程中的作用。山东省自然科学基金重点项目,主持,2008-2010, 7万元。
6.HPS相关基因的功能研究。教育部留学回国基金,主持,2007-2009, 2.5万元。
Research Ariticles: (citations up to 2006/3)
1. Mouse models of Hermansky Pudlak syndrome: a review.
Swank RT, Novak EK, McGarry MP, Rusiniak ME, Feng L.
Pigment Cell Res. 1998 Apr;11(2):60-80. Times Cited: 121
2. The beta3A subunit gene (Ap3b1) of the AP-3 adaptor complex is altered in the mouse hypopigmentation mutant pearl, a model for Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome and night blindness.
Feng L, Seymour AB, Jiang S, To A, Peden AA, Novak EK, Zhen L, Rusiniak ME, Eicher EM, Robinson MS, Gorin MB, Swank RT.
Hum Mol Genet. 1999 Feb;8(2):323-30. Times Cited: 126
3. Abnormal expression and subcellular distribution of subunit proteins of the AP-3 adaptor complex lead to platelet storage pool deficiency in the pearl mouse.
Zhen L*, Jiang S*, Feng L*, Bright NA, Peden AA, Seymour AB, Novak EK, Elliott R, Gorin MB, Robinson MS, Swank RT. * co-first author
Blood. 1999 Jul 1;94(1):146-55. Times Cited: 39
4. Abnormal vesicular trafficking in mouse models of Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome.
Swank RT, Novak EK, McGarry MP, Zhang Y, Li W, Zhang Q, Feng L.
Pigment Cell Res. 2000;13 Suppl 8:59-67. Times Cited: 39
5. Genomic structure of the mouse Ap3b1 gene in normal and pearl mice.
Feng L, Rigatti BW, Novak EK, Gorin MB, Swank RT.
Genomics. 2000 Nov 1;69(3):370-9. Times Cited: 7
6. The Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 1 (HPS1) and HPS2 genes independently contribute to the production and function of platelet dense granules, melanosomes, and lysosomes.
Feng L, Novak EK, Hartnell LM, Bonifacino JS, Collinson LM, Swank RT.
Blood. 2002 Mar 1;99(5):1651-8. Times Cited: 27
7. Lumenal protein multimerization in the distal secretory pathway/secretory granules.
Arvan P, Zhang BY, Feng L, Liu M, Kuliawat R.
Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2002 Aug;14(4):448-53. Review. Times Cited: 17
8. The trafficking of alpha 1-antitrypsin, a post-Golgi secretory pathway marker, in INS-1 pancreatic beta cells.
Feng L and Arvan P. J Biol Chem. 2003 Aug 22;278(34):31486-94. Times Cited: 10
9. Phylogenetic analysis and expression pattern of the AmphiCaBP-like gene from amphioxus, encoding a novel member of the calmodulin-like subfamily.Li B, Lin Y, Zhang W, Shao M, Bian Y, Huang S, Feng L*, Zhang H*. *co- corresponding author.
DNA Seq. 2007 Jun;18(3):228-34.
10. eva luation of the cytotoxicity of a two photon absorbing fluorescence compound on human HepG2 cells and its application to tracking human hepatic cancer cells in mice.
Du X, Yan Y, Bai Z*, Zhang J, Wang Z, Liu L, Feng L*. *co-corresponding author.
Biotech Histochem. 2009 Jul 26:1-7.
Selected Abstracts:
1. The human alpha 1-antitrypsin is secreted through the regualted secretion pathway in a rat pancreatic ß-cell line. Abstrat in the MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL. 2001. 12: 1870, Suppl.
2. The genomic structure of the beta3A subunit gene of the AP-3 adaptor complex. The gene responsible for the pearl mouse and a form of human Hermansky Pudlak Syndrome. Abstrat in the INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE. 1999. 40:2504B379.
3. A Candidate Gene for the Mouse Pearl (pe) Mutation which Affects Subcellular Organelles. Abstrat in the MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL. 1997. 8: 1316, Suppl.
4. Positional Cloning and Candidate Gene Exclusion from the Pearl Locus of Mouse Chromosome 13. Abstrat in the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS. 1997. 61:1715.
1. SEAP, a Membrane Bound Secretory Protein Go Through the Constitutive Secretion Pathway. in a rat pancreatic ß-cell line. Poster at the Golden Conference. 2002
2. The human alpha 1-antitrypsin is secreted through the regualted secretion pathway in a rat pancreatic ß-cell line. Presentation at the 5th Einstein Postdoctoral Symposium. 2001
3. Double mutant of pearl (pe) and pale ear (ep) mouse shows additive effects of the two mutant genes. Poster at the 14th International Mouse Genome Conference. 2000.
4. Determination of exon/intron boundaries by direct BAC sequencing. Poster at the 13th International Mouse Genome Conference. 1999.
5. Mutations in the Beta3A Submit Gene result in systemic defects in the Mouse Hypopigmentation Mutant Pearl, a Model for Hermansky Pudlak Syndrome and Night Blindness. Presentation at the 10th Sciences Symposium of University of Buffalo. 1999
6. The Mouse Pearl (pe) gene encodes the beta 3A Subunit of the AP-3 Adaptor Complex which Affects Subcellular Organelles. General Meeting Presentation at the 12th International Mouse Genome Conference. 1998.
7. Animal Models of Inherited Platelet Abnormalities. Poster at the Conference on Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome, sponsored by NIH, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. 1998.
8. Identification of a Candidate Gene of the Mouse Pearl (pe) Mutation. Presentation at the 11th International Mouse Genome Conference. 1997.
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