
陈凡国 教授 博士生导师 通讯地址:山东大学生命科学学院植物细胞及种质创新教育部重点实验室,2
陈凡国 教授
2002.6 山东大学 博士学位
2002.7-2008.8 山东大学, 讲师, 副教授
2008.9~ 至今 山东大学, 教授
2011.7~ 至今 山东大学, 博士生导师
(1)Chen FG, Zhao F, Liu R, Xia G. Functional properties of two low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits carrying additional cysteine residues from hybrid introgression line II-12 derived from Triticum aestivum and Agropyron elongatum. Food Chemistry, 2011, 127:1773-1776 (SCI,IF3.458)
(2)Chen FG, Liu S, Zhao F, Xu C, Xia G. Molecular characterization of the low-molecular weight glutenin subunit genes of tall wheatgrass and functional properties of one clone Ee34. Amino Acids, 2010, 38: 991-999 (SCI,IF4.106)
(3)Chen FG(Corresponding author), Yang L, Zhao F, Min H, Xia G. Molecular cloning and variation of ω-gliadin genes from a somatic hybrid introgression line II-12 and parents (Triticum aestivum cv. Jinan177 and Agropyron elongatum). Journal of Genetics, 2011, 90(1): 137-142 (SCI, IF1.338)
(4)Chen FG, Zhao F, Liu S, Xia G. The γ-gliadin gene content of a derivative from a somatic introgression line II-12 derived from Triticum aestivum and Agropyron elongatum. Mol Breeding, 2009, 24(2):117-126 (SCI,IF2.273)
(5)Chen FG, Xu C, Chen M, Wang Y,Xia G. A new α-gliadin gene family for wheat breeding: somatic introgression line II-12 derived from Triticum aestivum and Agropyron elongatum. Mol Breeding, 2008, 22(4): 675-685 (SCI,IF2.273)
(6)Chen FG, Luo Z, Zhang Z, Xia G, Min H. Variation and potential value in wheat breeding of low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit genes cloned by genomic and RT-PCR in a derivative of somatic introgression between common wheat and Agropyron elongatum. Mol Breeding, 2007, 20(2):141-152 (SCI,IF2.357)
(7)Chen FG, Zhi D, Xia G. Intracellular FITC-derivatization with PEG. Electrophoresis, 2005, 26: 4204-4205 (SCI, IF4.10)
(8)Chen FG, Wang C, Zhi D, Xia G. Analysis of amino acids in individual wheat embryonic protoplast. Amino acids, 2005, 29: 235-239 (SCI,IF2.78)
(9)Chen FG(Corresponding author), Li Z, Wu Y, Zhang H, Xia G. Location and prokaryotic expression of low-molecular-weight (LMW) glutanin subunit gene 177-21 from Triticum aestivum. Biologia plantarum, 2008,52(2): 275-280 (SCI,IF1.65)
(10)Chen FG, Zhao F, Xu C, Xia G. Molecular characterization of LMW-GS genes from a somatic hybrid introgression line II-12 between Triticum aestivum and Agropyron elongatum in relation to quick evolution. Journal of genetics and genomics, 2008, 35(12): 743-749 (SCI,IF1.494)
(11)Chen FG, Zhang X, Xia G, Jia J. Construction and Characterization of a Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library for Triticum boeoticum. Acta Botanica Sinica, 2002, 44: 451-456 (SCI)
(12)Chen FG, Wang C, Zhi D, Xia G. Free Amino Acids (AAs) Analysis of Wheat Embryonic Cells without regenerated ability. Chinese journal of analytical chemistry, 2005, 33: 1539-1542 (SCI)
(13)Luo Z, Chen FG, Feng D, Xia G, LMW-GS genes in Agropyron elongatum and their potential value in wheat breeding. Theor Appl Genet, 2005, 111: 272-280 (SCI,IF3.01)
(14)Feng D, Chen FG, Zhao S, Xia G. High-molecular-weight glutenin subunitsin genes in decaploid Agropyron elongatum. Acta Bot Sinica, 2004, 46: 489-496 (SCI IF0.83)
(15)Liu S, Zhao F, Gao X, Chen FG, Xia G. A novel high molecular weight glutenin subunit from Australopyrum retrofractum. Amino Acids, 2010, 39:385-392(SCI,IF4.106)
(16)Liu S, Zhao S, Chen FG, Xia G. Generation of novel high quality HMW-GS genes in two introgression lines of Triticum aestivum/Agropyron elongatum. BMC Biol evol, 2007,7:76 (SCI IF4.6)
(17)Feng D, Xia G, Zhao S, Chen FG. Two quality-associated HMW glutenin subunits in a somatic hybrid line between Triticum aestivum and Agropyron elongatum. Theor Appl Genet, 2004, 110:136–144 (SCI IF3.01)
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