张瑞明,男,1963年生于山东博兴县,数学教授、计算机软件设计师。 一、学习简历 学士(1979.8
学士(1979.8-1983.7), 中国海洋大学应用数学专业;
硕士(1985.9-1987.8), 亚里桑那州立大学数学专业, 研究方向-特殊函数论;
博士(1987.8-1993.5), 南佛罗里达大学数学专业,研究方向-特殊函数论。
• 教师(1983.8-1985.9),西北农林科技大学;
• 助教(1985.9-1987.7),美国亚里桑那州立大学;
• 助教(1987.8-1993.5),美国南佛罗里达大学;
• 博士后(1993.5-1994.5), 加拿大多伦多大学;
• 博士后(1994.9-1996.5), 加拿大约克大学;
• 资深软件开发员(1996.12-2000.7), 加拿大U|Force公司;
• 计算机软件设计师(2000.7-2001.4), 加拿大Basis100公司;
• 计算机软件设计师(2001.5-2003.7), 加拿大CollectBid Systems公司。
• 数学研究员(2005.9-2010.1),中国广西师范大学;
• 数学教授(2010.3-现在), 中国西北农林科技大学。
软件工具:Maxima, Maple, Mathematica,LyX。
[1]M. Ismail and Ruiming Zhang, On the Hellmann- Feynman theorem and the variation of zeros of special functions,Advances in Appl. Math. 9 (1988), pp. 439-446. (SCI 影 响因子0.86, SCI他引5次);
[2]M. Ismail and Ruiming Zhang, Diagonalization of Certain Integral Operators, 1994, Advances in Mathematics, 109 (1994), pp. 1-33. (SCI 影 响因子1.235, 被引用17次,SCI他引10次);
[3]M. Ismail and Ruiming Zhang, Chaotic and Periodic Asymptotics for q-Orthogonal Polynomials, International Mathematics Research Notices, (2006), Article ID 83274, 33 pages. (通讯作者张瑞明,SCI影响因子0.722);
[4]R. Zhang, On a limiting relation between Ramanujan’s entire function Aq(z) and -functions, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 58 (2007), No.4, 519-532. (SCI影响因子0.612);
[5]R. Zhang, Remarks on Ramanujan Function Aq(z), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,338 (2008), No.1, 490-496. (SCI 影 响因子0.872);
[6]R. Zhang, Scaled Asymptotics For Some q- Series as q Approaching 1, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 59 (2008), No.3,389-407. (SCI 影 响因子0.612);
[7]R. Zhang, Asymptotics for q-Gamma Functions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,339 (2008), No.2,1313-1321. (SCI 影 响因子0.872);
[8]R. Zhang, Plancherel- Rotach Asymptotics for Certain Basic Hypergeometric Series, Advances in Mathematics 217 (2008), No.4, 1588-1613. (SCI 影 响因子1.235);
[9] R. Zhang, Plancherel–Rotach asymptotics for some q- orthogonal polynomials with complex scalings, Advances in Mathematics (2008),No.4, 1051-1080. (SCI 影响因子1.235);
[10]R. Zhang, Sums of zeros for certain special functions, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, Vol.00, No.0, 2009, 1–15. (SCI影响因子0.564);
操作系统:Linux, Solaris, Windows
应用服务器:Weblogic, Websphere;
数据库:Oracle, MySql;
编程语言:Java, SQL, XML,C/C++, Python, Make Script, Perl, Javascript, Bash Script;
编程工具:Eclipse,JBuilder,Together Control Center, Emacs, Vi。
UBuilder Studio—VOIP应用程序开发环境(U|Force Inc.);
TSE Fixed Income Trading Engine-多伦多股市固定收益交易系统引擎(Basis 100 Inc.);
CollectBid Fixed Income Trading System-CollectBid固定收益交易系统(CollectBid System Inc.)。
Email: ruimingzhang@gmail.com; ruimingzhang@yahoo.co
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