
夏凯 教授 姓名:夏凯 职称:教授 联系电话:************, 84396069 EMAIL:zhish@njau.edu.cn
夏凯 教授
联系电话:************, 84396069
植物生物学系教授, 博士生导师。
植物生理学(本科); 植物激素及其研究技术(研究生); 植物科学专题(研究生)
植物激素的生理功效 & 植物性状的化学控制
1, Yin CX, Gan LJ, NG Denny, Zhou X, Xia K*. Decreased panicle-derived indole-3-acetic acid reduces gibberellin A1 level in the uppermost internode, causing panicle enclosure in male sterile rice Zhenshan 97A. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2007, 58: 2441-2450.
2, Zhu CH, Gan LJ, Shen ZG, Xia K*. Interactions between jasmonates and ethylene in the regulation of root hair development in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2006, 57: 1299–1308.
3, Luo AD, Qian Q, Yin HF, Liu XQ, Yin CX, Lan Y, Tang JY, Tang ZS, Cao SY, Wang XJ, Xia K, Fu XD, Luo D, Chu CC. EUI1, Encoding a Putative Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenase, Regulates the Internodes Elongation by Modulating GA Responses in Rice. Plant Cell Physiology 2006, 47: 181-191.
4, Debi BR, Chhun T, Taketa S, Tsurumi S, Xia K, Miyao A, Hirochika H, Ichii M. Defects in root development and gravity response in the aem1 mutant of rice are associated with reduced auxin efflux. Journal of Plant Physiology 2005, 162: 678-685.
5, Wang SC, Taketa S, Ichii M, Xu LL, Xia K, Zhou X. Lateral root formation in rice (Oryza sativa): different effects of indole-3-acetic acid and indole-3-butyric acid. Plant Growth Regulation 2003, 41: 41-47.
6, Li GJ, Wang SC, Xia K, Zhou X. Effect of elicitor and salicylic acid on the fluctuation of phytohormone contents in Ti-transformed Salvia militiorrhiza cell cultures. Plant Growth Regulation 2003, 39: 27-32.
7, Wang SC, Ichii M, Taketa S, Xu LL, Xia K, Zhou X. Lateral root formation in rice (Oryza sativa): promotion effect of jasmonic acid. Journal of Plant Physiology 2002, 159: 827-832.
8, Wang SC, Xu LL, Li GJ, Chen PD, Xia K, Zhou X. An ELISA for the determination of salicylic acid in plants using a monoclonal antibody. Plant Science 2002, 162: 529-535
9, Li CR, Gan LJ, Xia K, Zhou X, Hew CS. Response of carboxylating enzymes, sucrose metabolizing enzymes and plant hormones in a tropical epiphytic CAM orchid to CO2 enrichment. Plant, Cell and Environment 2002, 25: 369-377.
10, 现代植物生理学. 高等教育出版社.2006.(副主编)
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