唐玉新, 男, 1956年2月出生,湖南衡阳人,美国俄亥俄州立大学博士,江西农业大学2011年12月引进的海外留学高级人才,江西农业大学动物科学技术学院预防兽医学教授,
唐玉新, 男, 1956年2月出生,湖南衡阳人,美国俄亥俄州立大学博士,江西农业大学2011年12月引进的海外留学高级人才,江西农业大学动物科学技术学院预防兽医学教授,
(Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, WRAIR) 学习和工作15年。
博士。2000年9月至2003年12月在美国俄亥俄州立大学(哥伦布)兽医学院预防兽医学系学习,师从Dr. Y. M. Saif (国际著名禽病学家, 病毒学家, 《禽病》第十一和十二版主编)。研究家禽星状病毒分离、鉴定,和病理等,获分子病毒学/免疫学博士学位。
硕士。1986年9月至1989年7月在南京农业大学兽医学院基础兽医学学习,师从聂其灼教授。从事鲤鱼胸腺 抗原研究(免疫比较组织学),获农学硕士学位。
1986年9月至1989年7月。在南京农业大学兽医学院基础兽医学攻读比较组织学研究生,进行鲤鱼胸腺θ 抗原研究。
2005年至今。美国病毒学学会会员(American Society for Virology, ASV)
2005年至今。美国微生物学学会会员(American Society for Microbiology, ASM)
2004年至今。美国动物疾病研究工作者学会会员(Conference of Research Worker in Animal Diseases, CRWAD)
2004年至今。美国科学促进协会会员(American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS)
目前主要从事预防兽医学领域的研究工作, 主要研究方向: (1) 猪传染性腹泻等动物病毒的分子流行病学、病毒多样性及进化、发病机制;(2)人畜共患病毒性疾病(包括禽流感),病毒与宿主相互作用,病毒的复制和跨种传播,致病性、病毒毒力因子;(3)病毒基因工程疫苗的分子设计和创制;(4)病毒宏基因组学、新病原的分离、鉴定及新诊断方法研发。
1. Tang, Y., M. Quintana, T. Li, D. Sauls, C. Zhang, and J. Lynch. Molecular Genotyping of Dengue Virus (DENV) types 2 and 4 from the Guatemalan and Honduran Epidemics of 2007 using the Envelope Glycoprotein Gene. 2011, Virus Genes. Apr; 42(2): 200-3. 2011.
2. Marli S.P. Azevedo, Anastasia Vlasova, Hugo Resque, Yuxin Tang, Bror Morein, Karin Lovgren-Bentsson, and Linda J Saif. Effects of PolyIC or rIFN- on the Th1/Th2/Th3 cytokine responses of gnotobiotic pigs inoculated with a rotavirus virus-like-particles (VLP) vaccine. Ready for submission.
3. Tang, Y., Prinyada Rodpradit, Piyawan Chinnawirotpisan, Mammen P Mammen Jr, Tao Li, Julia Lynch, Robert Putnak and Chunlin Zhang. Comparative analysis of full-length genomic sequences of 10 dengue virus type 1 strains associated with different genotypes, epidemics and disease severity isolated in Thailand over 22 years. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. 83(5), 1156–1165. 2010.
4. Kwonil Jung, Gourapura J Renukaradhya, Konstantin P Alekseev, Ying Fang, Yuxin Tang, and Linda J Saif. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus modifies innate immunity and alters disease outcome in pigs subsequently infected with porcine respiratory coronavirus: implications for respiratory viral co-infections. J Gen Virol first published on August 5, 2009 as doi: 10.1099/vir.0.014001-0.
5. Ashraf, S., Y. Tang, and Y. M. Saif . Development of differential RT-PCR assays and
molecular characterization of the complete VP1 gene of five strains of Very Virulent Infectious bursal disease virus. Avian Dis., 51:935-941. 2007.
6. Zhang, X., M. Hasoksuz, D. Spiro, R. Halpin, S. Wang, S. Stollar, D. Janies, N. Hadya, Y. Tang, E. Ghedin, and L. Saif. Complete Genomic Sequences, a Key Residue in the Spike Protein and Deletions in Non-Structural Protein 3b of US Strains of the Virulent and Attenuated Coronaviruses, Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus and Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus. Virology. 358:424-435. 2007.
7. Tang, Y., M. V. Murgia, L. Ward, and Y. M. Saif. Pathogenicity of Two Turkey Astrovirus Isolates. Avian Dis. 50:526-531. 2006.
8. Tang, Y., M. V. Murgia, and Y. M. Saif. Molecular Characterization of the Capsid Gene of Two Serotypes of Turkey Astroviruses. Avian Dis. 49:514-519. 2005.
9. Tang, Y., C. W. Lee, Y. Zhang, D. A. Senne, R. Dearth, B. Byrum, D. Perez, D. L. Suarez, and Y. M. Saif. Isolation and Characterization of H3N2 Influenza A Virus from Turkeys. Avian Dis., 49:207-213.2005.
10. Tang, Y., Q. Wang, and Y. M. Saif. Development of A ssRNA Internal Control Template Reagent for a Multiplex RT-PCR to Detect Turkey Astroviruses. J. Virol Methods. Vol:126 Issue: 1-2, pp81-86, 2005.
11. Tang, Y., M. M. Ismail, and Y. M. Saif. Development of Antigen-Capture Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and RT-PCR for Detection of Turkey Astroviruses. Avian Dis., 49:182-188. 2005.
12. Tang, Y., and Y. M. Saif. Antigenicity of Two Turkey Astrovirus Isolates. Avian Dis., 48: 896-901. 2004.
13. Ismail. M. M., Y. Tang, and Y. M. Saif. Pathogenicity of turkey coronavirus in turkey and chickens. Avian Dis. 47:512-522, 2003.
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