
王海磊:男,1978年,河南睢县人,中国科学院生物物理学博士。河南师范大学生命科学学院副教授;中科院湖北产业创新与育成中心生物技术化中心副总工程师;河南省微生物学会理事。研究方向为应用与环境微生物。包括1.微生物二元发酵及微生物间相互作用机制研究;2.废水处理过程中的好氧污泥颗粒化;3.新型生物农药的微生物发酵与产业化。已在Journal of Hazardous Materials,Bioresource Technology,Biochemical Engineering Journal、Enzyme Microbial Technology、Bioprocess Biosystem Engineering、Journal of Environmental Sciences化学学报等SCI 期刊及核心期刊上发表文章30余篇,其中SCI论文十余篇。Biotechnology Progress、Bioresource Technology、Biochemical Engineering Journal、Desalination、Process Biochemistry、中国生物工程杂志、河南师范大学学报等多个SCI期刊及国内核心期刊审稿专家。
1.Wang Hailei*,Ren Zhifang,LiPing,Gu Yangchang,Liu Guosheng,YaoJianming.Improvement of the production of a red pigment in Penicillium sp.HSD07B synthesized during co-culture with Candida tropicalis.Bioresource Technology,2011,102(10): 6082-6087.
2.Li Ping,Wang Hailei *,Liu Guosheng,Li Xin,Yao Jianming.The effect of carbon source succession on laccase activity in the co-culture process of Ganoderma lucidum and a yeast.Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2011,48(1):1-6.
3.Wang Hailei*,Li Li,Li Ping,Li Hui,Liu Guosheng,Yao Jianming.The acceleration of sludge granulation using the chlamydospores of Phanerochaete sp.HSD.Journal of Hazardous Materials.2011,in press.
4.Zhai Zhijun,Wang Hailei,Yan shoubao,Yao,Jianming.Biodegradation of phenol at high concentration by a novel bacterium: Gulosibacter sp.YZ4.Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology.2011,in press.
5.Wang Hailei*,Li Ping,Liu Guosheng,Li Xin,Yao Jianming.Rapid biodecolourization of eriochrome black T wastewater by bioaugmented aerobic granules cultivated through a specific method.Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2010,47:37–43.
6.Wang Hailei,Yu Guangli,Li Ping,Gu Yanchang,Li Jun,Liu Guosheng,YaoJianming.Overproduction of Trametes versicolor laccase by making glucosestarvation using yeast.Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2009,45: 46–49.
7.Wang Hailei,Li Ping,Pang Min,Zhai Zhijun,Yu Guangli ,Liu Guosheng,Yao Jianming.Rapid decolorization of azo dyes by a new isolated higher manganese peroxidase producer: Phanerochaete sp.HSD.Biochemical engineering journal 2009,46: 327-333 .
8.Wang Hailei*,Yu Guangli ,Liu Guosheng,Pan Feng.A new way to cultivate aerobic granules in the process of papermaking wastewater treatment.Biochemical engineering journal 2006,28:99-103.
9.Wang Hailei*,Liu Guosheng,Li Ping,Pan Feng.The effect of bioaugmentation on the performance of sequencing batch reactor and sludge characteristics in the treatment process of papermaking wastewater.Bioprocess Biosystem engineering.2006,29:283–289.
10 Wang Hailei*,Li Zongyi,Guo Weiyun,Wang Zhenyu,Pan feng.Study on the cooperation between ligninolytic enzymes produced by superior mixed flora.Journal of environmental sciences.2005,17(4):421-423.
1.国家自然科学基金(丝状真菌Phanerochaete sp.HSD促进好氧活性污泥快速颗粒化的机理,51008119)。
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