
通信网技术教研中心 陈建亚导师组(咨询电话:62283592,办公室:明光楼814): 刘韵洁,男,1943年1月出生,中国工
Liu Yunjie, male, born in 1943. Member of the China Academy Engineering, Director of the Science and Technology Committee of China Unicom. He took a leading role in the design, construction and operation of the national public data network, computer Internet and high-speed broadband, which have been an important basis for the construction of information society in China. He also played the leading role in the design, construction and operation of China UniNet (A unified network platform for multiple services), which provides a feasible solution for the network convergence. It has been a successful practice implemented on a large-scale in the evolution to the next generation network (NGN), He has received a first grade National Prize for Progress in Science & Technology, and twice received the first grade Ministerial Prize for Progress in Science & Technology. He has obtained two national invention patents, and published 59 papers and 7 academic books.
近年承担国家863项目重大专项:射频识别应用中的通信测试技术研究;工信部重大专项:TD-SCDMA网络性能仿真及实测评估;国家自然基金重点项目、国家自然基金面上项目、北京市自然基金重点项目以及多项横向项目,如:2008年奥运会无线电设备自动检测系统集成,奥运移动检测专用软件与测试平台集成,其中“2008年北京奥运会无线电设备自动检测平台”项目获2008年中国通信学会一等奖。在国内外发表论文百余篇,EI收录论文五十余篇,译著、教材数本,专利数项。 Email: lisf@bupt.edu.cn。
Shufang Li, Ph. D advisor, professor, born in June, 1963, received the Young Scientists Reward sponsored by Union Radio Scientific International (URSI) in the University of Toronto in the year of 1999; educational background and graduate institution: Ph.D of Tsinghua University. Research work for post-doctor in Beijing university of Posts and Telecommunications—Key ministry-level laboratory for wireless communication and EMC.
Director of Ubiquitous Electromagnetic Environment Center of Education ministry of People’s Republic of China. Director of the Joint Lab of BUPT & Radio Frequency Monitoring and Testing center of People’s Republic of China.
Committee member of EMC branch of China Electronic Academy majoring in radiation interferings; committee member of China Electrical Engineering Academy majoring in Electromagnetic interferings and circuit protection; main research direction: the theory and technology of radio frequency in wireless communication and EMC; major study content: planning and optimization for wireless network; the related theory and technology on RF circuit design for wireless communication and RF detection technology etc. Key theory and application technology on EMC: the research on simulation technology and optimization for radiation interfere on high-speed digital circuit; simulation technology on electro-magnetic environment and countermeasure for interference control, simulation technology on SAR for electro-magnetic radiation of cellular phones, and testing technology on EMC etc.
In recent years, concentrates on the following research work: 1).Research on communication testing technology in RFID supported by national “863” great project; 2). Simulation for TD-SCDMA network performance and evaluation with actual measurement supported by Industry and Information Ministry special project; 3)Key project of National Natural Science Foundation, 4)Key project of Beijing Natural Science Foundation and many other projects supported by departments and companies, such as, integration of radio instrument automatic testing system for 2008 Olympic Games, and integration of dedicated software and testing platform for mobility detection for Olympic Game, the former has won the first prize of China Institute of Communication in 2008. Hundreds of papers have been published interiorly and overseas, about fifty ones of which have been indexed by EI, as well as finished several textbooks, translation works and patents.
尹长川:教授,博士生导师,中国通信学会和中国电子学会高级会员,IEEE 会员。1998年获北京邮电大学“通信与电子系统”专业博士学位,2002 年入选“北京市科技新星”人才培养计划。2004年,澳大利亚悉尼大学访问学者。2007-2008 年,美国Texas A&M 大学访问学者。曾主持和参与国家自然科学基金、863等国家级项目及企业合作项目10 余项,出版专译著3 本,获国家发明专利6项,发表论文100 余篇。研究方向为宽带无线通信理论与网络技术。E-mail: ccyin@bupt.edu.cn
Changchuan Yin: Professor, Ph.D. advisor, senior member of China Institute of Communications, senior member of China Institute of Electronics, and member of IEEE. He received his Ph.D. degree in Communication and Electronic Engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 1998, and was awarded the honor of “Rising Stars of Science and Technology” granted by Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission in 2002. From June to November in 2004, he held visiting position in the College of Sciences and Technology, the University of Sydney, Australia. From Sep. 2007 to Aug. 2008, he held visiting position in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University. He has been the project leader or primary researcher for more than 10 key research projects granted by the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), ‘863’ hi-tech research project commission or other government organizations. He has published 3 books, over 100 peer-reviewed journal or conference papers, and has been awarded 6 national invention patents. His research interests are wireless communication theory and networking technologies.
Phone: 62281645, Office: 811 Mingguang Building, E-mail: ccyin@bupt.edu.cn
刘丹谱:博导,教授,中国通信学会和中国电子学会高级会员,IEEE 会员。1998年获北京邮电大学通信与电子系统专业博士学位,2002年香港城市大学访问学者,2005年英国曼彻斯特理工大学访问学者。长期从事MIMO、OFDM和宽带无线接入系统方面的研究工作,曾参与多项国家自然科学基金项目、863计划以及企业合作项目,已发表论文60余篇,出版教材和教辅2部,提交发明专利申请11项。目前的研究方向主要为多跳蜂窝网、60GHz毫米波通信和无线传感器网络的物理层和MAC层技术。Email: dpliu@bupt.edu.cn
Danpu Liu: Ph.D. Advisor, professor, senior member of China Institute of Communications, senior member of China Institute of Electronics, and member of IEEE. She received her Ph.D. degree in communication and electrical systems from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 1998. She was a visiting scholar at City University of Hong Kong in 2002 and University of Manchester in 2005. Her research involved MIMO, OFDM as well as broadband wireless access systems. She has published over 60 papers and 2 teaching books, and submitted 11 patent applications. Her recent research interests are in multi-hop cellular network, 60GHz millimeter radio and wireless sensor network.
陈建亚,男, 1951年4月生,教授,硕士生导师。长期从事交换技术、接入网、下一代网络理论与技术、通信网络管理等领域的科研和教学工作,曾承担国家973计划项目、863重大专项、自然科学基金、企业合作等多项大型科研项目,80年代末研制开发了我国第一代数字程控交换机,发表论文40余篇,教材及专著5本。目前主要从事下一代网络和无线接入网等领域的科学研究。
Jianya Chen, male, born on April 1951, Professor, Master Advisor.
Prof.Chen’s interests are in exchange technology, theory and technology in access network and next generation networks, communication network management.
He has been the project leader or primary researcher for more than 10 research projects granted by 973 plan, 863 project, the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and other company organizations. He has exploited the first generation program control exchanger. He has published over 40 papers and 5 teaching books. He recent research interests are in next generation networks and wireless access network.
Wang Zhenkai, Associate Professor, Master Advisor. He received her Ph.D. and bachelor degree in computer school of Tsinghua University. He has been the primary researcher for many research projects granted by the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and other company organizations. He has published over 20 papers and 1 teaching books. His interests are in next generation networks, P2P technology, distributing multimedia ,and embed system, especially for system developing. His recent interests is next generation networks.
Sun Li, Associate Professor, Master Advisor. He has been the primary researcher for many research projects of design in data exchanger, router, and VoIP gateway. His interests are in communication network, data communication, and width-band access. His recent interests is network technology and wireless access.
Jianfeng LI: Male, Ph.D., Researcher in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. He has been the project leader or primary researcher for more than 10 key research projects granted by the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), ‘863’ hi-tech research project commission or other government organizations. He has published more than 10 journal and conference papers. His recent research interests are in wireless communication theory and networking technologies including image processing and WAVE technologies. Now he has been the leader of NSFC project titled “the Researches on Theory and Key Technequies of Cross-layer Design in Vechicle Wireless Communication Networks”.
Tao LUO: Male, Ph.D., IEEE member, Associate Professor in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. From Aug. 2006 to Jan. 2007, he visited the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Michigan. He has been the project leader or primary researcher for more than 10 key research projects granted by the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), ‘863’ hi-tech research project commission or other government organizations. He has published 6 books and 2 teaching books, nearly 50 journal and conference papers, and has been submitted 15 national invention patent applications, where 6 of them are granted. His recent research interests are in wireless communication theory and networking technologies including OFDM, MIMO, WAVE, Cooperative Communication and Cognitive Radio technologies. Now he has been the leader of NSFC project titled “Study on Theories and Key Technologies of Cooperative Communication in Cognitive Radio System”.
Jianjun HAO: Male, Ph.D., Associate Professor. He received the degree of Bachelor of Science in communication and electrical systems from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications University in 1990, and the degree of Master of Science in communication and electrical systems from the BUPT in 1993. In July 2008 he received the Ph.D. degree in communication and electrical systems from BUPT. He has been the project leader or primary researcher for more than 20 key research projects granted by the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), ‘863’ hi-tech research project commission or other government organizations. He has published a few books, nearly 20 journal and conference papers, and has been submitted 15 national invention patent applications, where 6 of them are granted. His recent research interests are in wireless communication theory, networking technologies and embedded applications including Cooperative Communication , Cognitive Radio technologies, WAVE and Network coding.
崔鸿雁: 副教授,硕士生导师,IEEE 会员,2006年获北京邮电大学电路与系统专业工学博士学位。2009年曾在墨尔本大学以及悉尼CSIRO ICT Centre进行短期访问。曾主持和参与973计划项目、国家863项目、国家重大专项、国家自然科学基金及企业合作项目10 余项,发表论文30 余篇,出版专著2 本,申请国家发明专利4项。目前是《电子学报》《通信学报》《北京邮电大学学报》,WCNC,VTC等学术期刊和会议的审稿人。研究方向为新型下一代网络,网络资源管控与测量,用户移动性管理。
Cui Hongyan,Associate Professor, Master Advisor. Prof.Cui received her Ph.D. degree in circuitry and systems from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2006. She has visited Melbourne University and Sydney CSIRO ICT Centre in 2009.She has been the project leader or primary researcher for more than 10 research projects granted by 973 plan, 863 project, national key program, the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and other company organizations. She has published over 30 papers and 2 teaching books, and submitted 4 national patent applications. Her recent research interests are in novel next generation networks, resource management and measure in core, and access network, and mobile management.
Yu Hao, male, born on July 1971, Associate Professor.
Prof.Chen’s interests are in width-band exchange, high speed routing and next generation networks. He has published over 20 papers and more than 10 programs. He recent research interests are in next generation networks and aptitude information system.
邓泽林:男, 1967年9月生,高工,兼职硕士生导师。现任北京汉铭信通科技有限公司总裁,长期从事通信网、智能网、ISDN技术、计算机软硬件、数据通信、交换系统等领域的研究和产品开发工作,发表论文8篇。目前主要研究方向为下一代网络。
Deng Zelin, male, born on Sep.1967, Advanced Engineer, Master Advisor.
He’s the president of Beijing Hanming Science and technology limited company. He interests are in communication network, aptitude network, ISDN, soft/hard-ware and exchanging technology. He has published 8 papers. He recent research interests are in next generation networks.
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