
信息理论与技术教研中心 田宝玉、林家儒导师组: 周炯槃,男,中国工程院院院士、北京邮电大
林家儒,男,1958年1月生,北京邮电大学教授、博士生导师、信息理论与技术教研中心责任教授,北京邮电大学信号与信息处理国家重点学科负责人,主要研究领域:信息与通信理论、移动通信、通信系统等。作为项目负责人完成了国家和部级项目五项。作为项目负责人正在进行国家重点基础研究发展(973)计划等国家级项目三项。出版论著五本,在IEEE等学术期刊发表论文50余篇,其中SCI和 EI 收录 20余 篇,发明专利5项。主要社会兼职:中国信息技术标准化技术委员会委员、教育部教学指导委员会委员、全国工程教育专业认证专家组成员。
Jiaru Lin, male, is the professor and supervisor of Ph.D. candidate in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Besides, he is also the responsible professor in the Research Center of Information Theory and Technique in this University. Furthermore, Prof. Lin is the commissioner in both the National Information Technology and Standardization Technology Committee and the Teaching Steering Committee in Ministry of Education, and the member in the Expert Group of National Engineering Education Accreditation. His major research interests include information theory, communication theory and mobile communication. As a project manager, Prof. Lin has finished five projects which are either state-level or ministry-level. Currently, being the project manager, he is taking charge of three national projects, including National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program). So far, Prof. Lin has published five books and holds five invention patents. He has also published about 50 papers in IEEE or others, 20 of which can be indexed by either SCI or EI.
吕铁军,男,教授,博士生导师。中国电子学会高级会员,IEEE会员。2000年12月毕业于电子科技大学,获通信与信息系统专业的博士学位。2001年1月到2002年12月,在清华大学做博士后研究工作,2003年4月到北京邮电大学任教,同年加入美国常春藤大学之一的布朗大学(Brown University)工程学院BINARY研究中心进行合作研究。2005年6月破格晋升教授,博士生导师。2006年度入选教育部 “新世纪优秀人才支持计划”(NCET-06-0091)。在世界权威通信和信号处理杂志——IEEE Trans. on SP, IEEE Trans. on Comm., IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Eurasip Journal of ASP, IEICE Trans. on Comm,IEEE SP Letters, IET Electronics Letters等上,和国际著名通信和信号处理会议——ICC、GLOBECOM、ISIT、ICASSP、VTC和国内信息领域的权威杂志——《中国科学》等上发表论文100多篇,其中SCI检索文章10多篇,EI检索文章60余篇。申请国家发明专利10多项,其中已授权2项。受邀担任IEEE ICCCAS’2007技术委员会成员、IEEE ICCS’2008和IEEE ICC’2010的分会联合主席(Co- Chair)、IEEE ICUWB’2009的技术委员会成员。2008年9月前往世界著名一流大学——美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的电子工程系作客座教授 (Visiting Professor),与美国工程院院士、IEEE Fellow、享有“DSL之父”美誉的John M. Cioffi教授进行数字通信方面的合作研究。
主要的学术任职有:国家自然科学基金评审专家;国家留学基金评审专家;IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing、IEEE Transaction on Communications、IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications、IEEE Signal Processing Letters、IEEE Communication Letters的审稿人。
联系电话:************ Email:lvtiejun@bupt.edu.cn
Prof. Tiejun Lv is a Professor and Doctoral supervisor of School of Information and Communication Engineering at BUPT. In 2000, He received a Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC). From Jan. 2001 to Dec. 2002, he was a postdoctor in Tsinghua University, China. In Jun. 2005, he was exceptionally promoted to the rank of professor and doctoral supervisor. On Aug. 2008, he was a visiting professor at Stanford University. Within the period, He cooperated with Prof. Cioffi, who is a member of the USA National Academy of Engineering, IEEE Fellow and known as “father of DSL” to research advanced digital communications.
Prof. Lv has initiated and conducted numerous research and projects over physical layer of wireless mobile communication, which is his focused research area. He is now an IEEE Member and a Senior Member of Chinese Electronics Association. On IEEE Trans. and famous international conferences, he has published more than 100 papers. Prof. Lv has committed to the National Natural Science Foundation, 863 high-tech projects and Doctoral Fund and many other. In 2006, he won the award of “Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET)”. Prof. Lv has been invited as a reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, Communications, Wireless Communications, etc. He has also been invited to act as a TCP member of ICCCAS2007, IEEE ICUWB’2009 TPC and a Co-Chair for the parallel paper sessions in ICCS2008 and ICC2010.
王晓湘,教授,博士生导师。1998年北京理工大学博士毕业,2001至2002年奥地利维也纳理工大学移动通信研究中心访问学者。1998年至今在北京邮电大学信息与通信工程学院工作。正在承担国家863项目“新型宽带无线网络多用户协作传输关键技术研究”,“无线协作广播/组播的多级传输与冲突控制”和国家自然科学基金“基于虚拟多天线的协作广播”等多项国家级研究课题和企业合作技术开发项目“智能通信干扰模拟器”等,在LTE、协作通信、MIMO-OFDM、协作定位等研究领域发表论文60余篇,申请发明专利4项。 研究方向为:宽带移动通信与网络融合,信息与通信理论,传感器网络定位技术等。Email:cpwang@bupt.edu.cn
Prof. WANG Xiao Xiang is doctor supervisor in school of information and telecommunication Engineering. The research interests are Next Generation Wideband Mobile Communication Technology, Information and communication Theory, Wireless Position Locating Technology etc.. She was graduated from BIT in 1998, and once was a visit scholar in Austria University of Technology in Vienna from 2001 to 2002. Her research is now supported by the National 863 Program and the National Natural Science Foundation, with 4 patents and more than 50 papers published in the area of Cooperative Communication, MIMO OFDM and Cooperative Position Locating area.
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