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  江苏武进人。 1987 年毕业于上海医科大学公共卫生系。1989 年起于德国Greifswald 大学攻读人类遗传学,1992 年获得博士学位。1993 至1997年间于Greifswald 大学从事细菌感染生物学博士后研究。从1997 年 夏起,于瑞典Lund 大学从事基因治疗和病毒学、干细胞生物学和肿瘤细胞生物学的研究。 2002 年起独立领导研究小组。2004年起 Lund大学副教授。2009年9月回国工作。

  Adenoviruses and host cell interaction. Adenovirus infections are common in human populations regardless of health care standards. A large group of adenoviruses do not cause severe infections, they are modified for vaccine development, gene transfer and cancer therapy. Other adenoviruses however can cause infections with severe consequences. We aim to identify the viral and host factors controlling the outcome of adenoviral infection and to engineer these factors as anti-cancer therapy or anti-viral infection strategies.
  Role of stem and progenitor cells in glioma initiation and progression. Gliomas are the most common primary malignancy in adult CNS. For clarifying the cellular and molecular origins of glioma, we are currently investigating the resemblance between glioma cells and normal CNS stem/progenitor cells, as well as the subverted CNS development program in glioma.

  Jack RS, Fan X, Bernheiden M, Rune G, Ehlers M, Weber A, Kirsch G, Mentel R, Fürll B, Freudenberg M, Schmitz G, Stelter F, and Schütt C: Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein is required to combat a murine gram-negative bacterial infection. Nature 389:742, 1997.
  Fan X, Valdimarsdottir G, Larsson J, Brun A, Magnusson M, Jacobsen SE, ten Dijke P, and Karlsson S: Transient disruption of autocrine transforming growth factor-? signaling leads to enhanced survival and proliferation potential in single primitive human hematopoietic progenitor cells. The Journal of Immunology 168:755-762, 2002.
  Järås M, Edqvist A, Rebetz J, Salford LG, Widegren W and Fan X: Human Short-term Repopulating Cells Have Enhanced Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Expression. Blood 108:1084-1091, 2006.
  Rebetz J, Tian D, Persson A, Widegren B, Salford LG, Englund E, Gisselsson D and Fan X. Glial progenitor-like phenotype in low-grade gliomas and enhanced CD133-expression and neuronal lineage differentiation in high-grade gliomas. PLoS One 3:e1936, 2008.
  Rebetz J, Na M, Su S, Holmqvist B, Edqvist A, Nyberg C, Widegren B, Salford LG, Sj?gren HO, Arnberg N, Qian Q and Fan X: Fiber mediated receptor masking in non-infected bystander cells restricts oncolytic adenovirus cell killing effect. PLoS One. 4:e8484, 2009.









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