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  (5) Hong Y, Li X, Yang H, Fang X, Zhao R, Lin D. HIV sexual risks among female sex workers in a rural Chinese county: Role of migratory status. 135th APHA Annual Meeting & Exposition, Washington DC, November 3-7, 2007.
  (6) Hong Y, Li X, Fang X, Xiong Q. Stressful life events, self-esteem, and suicidal ideation among three comparative samples of Chinese population. 135th APHA Annual Meeting & Exposition, Washington DC, November 3-7, 2007.
  (7) B. Wang, X. Li, B. Stanton, X. Fang, D. Lin, R. Mao. HIV-related risk behaviors and history of sexually transmitted diseases among male migrants who patronize commercial sex in China. XVI International AIDS Conference. Toronto Canada, 13~18, August, 2006.
  (8) H. Yang, X. Li, B. Wang, Y. Hong, X. Fang, R. Zhao, B. Stanton. Utilities of condom use measures in predicting STDs: findings from female sex workers in China. XVI International AIDS Conference. Toronto Canada, 13~18, August, 2006.
  (9) X. Fang, X. Li, R. Zhao. Factors influencing condom use intention among female sex workers in China. XVI International AIDS Conference. Toronto Canada, 13~18, August, 2006.
  (10) X. Li, B. Wang, X. Fang, R. Zhao, B. Stanton, Y. Hong, B. Dong, W. Liu, Y. Zhou, S. Liang, H. Yang. Short term effect of a cultural adaptation of voluntary counseling and testing among female sex workers in China: a quasi-experimental trial.  XVI International AIDS Conference. Toronto Canada, 13~18, August, 2006.
  (11) Y. Hong, X. Li, X. Fang, R. Zhao, D. Lin. Relationship of depression and condom use with clients among female sex workers in China. XVI International AIDS Conference. Toronto Canada, 13~18, August, 2006.
  (12) X. Li, X. Fang, Y. Hong, R. Zhao, H. Yang, B. Stanton. Can variation of HIV/STD-related risk be explained by individual SES: findings from female sex workers in a rural Chinese county? XVI International AIDS Conference. Toronto Canada, 13~18, August, 2006.
  (13) D. Lin, X. Li, X. Fang, B. Stanton, R. Zhao, B. Wang, Y. Hong, B. Dong, Y. Zhou, S. Liang.  Substance use and HIV-related sexual risk behavior among female sex workers in Guangxi, China. XVI International AIDS Conference. Toronto Canada, 13~18, August, 2006.
  (14) X. Fang, X. Li, D. Lin, B. Wang, B. Stanton, R. Mao. HIV-related perceptions, sexual risk, and history of sexually transmitted diseases among Chinese migrants attending STD clinics: are there any gender differences? XVI International AIDS Conference. Toronto Canada, 13~18, August, 2006.
  (15) R. Zhao, X. Fang, x. Li. Famele sex workers with steady partners in China: condom-use and affecting factors. XVI International AIDS Conference. Toronto Canada, 13~18, August, 2006.
  (16) Shell D F, Newman I M, Fang X, Foley B P. Effects of Alcohol Expectancies, Self -Efficacy, and Cultural Orientation on Drinking Pattern. Presented on December 12 at the 133rd annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in Philadelphia.
  (17) 方晓义,邓林园,万晶晶,李一飞. 父母监控与青少年问题行为的关系.中国心理学会第九届年会,2005年10月23-26日,上海。小组口头报告
  (18) 万晶晶,方晓义,黄丽娜,夏翠翠.性格匹配、性格喜欢和青少年期母子沟通. 中国心理学会第九届年会,2005年10月23-26日,上海。小组口头报告
  (19) 戴丽琼,方晓义,房超.中学生亲子沟通话题及其特点. 中国心理学会第九届年会,2005年10月23-26日,上海。小组口头报告
  (20) 涂翠平,方晓义,杨阿丽.夫妻冲突的解决与妻子感知到的婚姻质量的关系.中国心理学会第九届年会,2005年10月23-26日,上海。小组口头报告
  (21) 杨阿丽,方晓义. 父母冲突,儿童的认知评价及其与儿童社会适应的关系. 中国心理学会第九届年会,2005年10月23-26日,上海。小组口头报告
  (22) 赵然、方晓义、李晓铭. 心理社会因素对暗娼安全套使用意图的影响研究. 中国心理学会第九届年会,2005年10月23-26日,上海。小组口头报告
  (23) 赵然、方晓义、李晓铭.自我效能感及性伴类型对暗娼安全套使用行为的影响研究. 中国心理学会第九届年会,2005年10月23-26日,上海。小组口头报告
  (24) 夏翠翠  方晓义  黄丽娜  万晶晶. 青少年亲子冲突和冲突解决方式的关系. 中国心理学会第九届年会,2005年10月23-26日,上海。
  (25) 池培莲,方晓义,李一飞. 青少年父母监控特点的研究. 中国心理学会第九届年会,2005年10月23-26日,上海。
  (26) 王园园 方晓义 程虹娟. 大学生社会支持和社会适应之间的关系. 中国心理学会第九届年会,2005年10月23-26日,上海。
  (27) 邓林园,方晓义. 尼古丁成瘾的神经生物学机制. 中国心理学会第九届年会,2005年10月23-26日,上海。
  (28) 邓林园,方晓义,程虹娟. 不同来源地的大学生社会支持差异. 中国心理学会第九届年会,2005年10月23-26日,上海。
  (29) Chen X, Stanton B, Fang X, Mao R. Li X. Substance Use among
  Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China: A Moderation Effect Model Analysis.Joint Conference of the Society for Epidemiologic Research and Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Toronto, Canada June 27-30, 2005
  (30) Yang H., Li X., Stanton B., Fang X., Lin D., Chen X, Liu H. Acceptance of HIV/STD prevention activities among Chinese migrants. [Poster No. II-160] APS (America Psychological Society) Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, May 28-30, 2004.
  (31)  Lin D, Fang X, Li X. Relationship between Social Environment risk, Adolescent Smoking Perception and Smoking Behavior. 18th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD), Ghent, Belgium, July 11 - 15, 2004.
  (32) Liu H, Li X, Stanton B, Fang X, Lin D, Mao R, Wang J, Chen X, Yang H. The relationship of HIV-related stigma with HIV risk behaviors and preventive practices among Chinese rural-to-urban migrants.[Abstract# WePeE6881]  XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, July 11-16, 2004.
  (33) Yang H, Li X, Stanton B, Fang X, Lin D, Mao R, Chen X, Liu H. HIV-related risk behaviors and psychosocial factors related to commercial sex among female migrants in China. [Abstract# WePeC6203] XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, July 11-16, 2004.
  (34) Lin D, Li X, Fang X, Wang J, Mao R, Yang H, Liu H, Stanton B. Alcohol consumption and sexual risk behaviors among young rural-to-urban migrants in China. [Abstract # TuPeC4778] XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, July 11-16, 2004.
  (35) Li X, Fang X, Lin D, Mao R, Wang J, Yang H, Liu H,Stanton B. Mobility and HIV/STD risk behaviors and perceptions among rural-to-urban migrants in China. [Abstract# C10463]. XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, July 11-16, 2004.
  (36) Hong Y, Li X, Stanton B, Lin D, Fang X, Wang J, Mao R, Yang H, Liu H. Misperception, Fear and Discrimination: A Qualitative Study of AIDS-related Stigma among Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China.[Abstract# D12145]. XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, July 11-16, 2004
  (37) Fang X, Yang, H, Li X, Stanton B, Lin D, Mao R, Chen X, Liu H. Willingness to participate in HIV/STD prevention intervention activities among Chinese rural-to-urban migrants.[Abstract# TuPeC4806]. XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, July 11-16, 2004
  (38) Wang J, Yang, H, Li X, Stanton B, Fang X, Lin D,Mao R, Chen X, Liu H. Venue patterns of HIV-related sexual behaviors and perceptions among female migrant workers. [Abstract# MoPeD3679] XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, July 11-16, 2004
  (39) Liu H, Li X, Stanton B, Liu H, Fang X, Lin D. Risk factors for Sexually Transmitted Disease among rural-to-urban migrants in China: Implications for HIV/STD prevention among the vulnerable population. [Abstract # 81337] American Public Health Association (APHA) 132nd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. November 6-10, 2004.
  (40) Yang H, Li X, Stanton B, Fang X, Lin D, Liu H, Chen X. Venue pattern of HIV-related sexual behaviors and  perceptions among female migrant workers. [Abstract # 89376]  APHA 132nd Annual Meeting,Washington, DC. November 6-10, 2004.
  (41) Newman, I. M., Xue, J., Fang, X. Western cultural influence on adolescent drinking in China. Paper Presented at the 131st  Annual Meeting of APHA, November 15-19, 2003,  San Francisco, CA.,USA.
  (42) Fang,X.,Lin, D. The Relationship between Parental Conflicts and Adolescents' Social Adjustment. Paper presented at XVII Biennial Meeting of the International Society of Study of Behavior Development,August,2002,Uottawa,Canada.
  (43)  Lin, D., Fang X. The relationship between adolescent personality, best friend's smoking behavior and adolescent smoking behavior. Paper presented at XVII Biennial Meeting of the International Society of Study of Behavior Development,August,2002,Uottawa,Canada.








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