研招网 > 北京研招网 > 北京师范大学 > 导师介绍


  (44) 方晓义,郑宇,林丹华。友伴团体与中学生吸烟行为的关系:社会网络分析。第九届全国心理学学术会议,2001 年11月4-8,广州。
  (45) 林丹华,方晓义。同伴、父母对青少年吸烟认识、吸烟行为的相对影响力。第九届全国心理学学术会议,2001 年11月4-8,广州。
  (46) 房超,方晓义。国外亲子沟通的研究。第九届全国心理学学术会议,2001 年11月4-8,广州。
  (47) Fang,X., Li, X., Stanton, B.  Cigarette Smoking among Adolescents Residing in Beijing, China. Paper presented at XVI Biennial Meeting of the International Society of Study of Behavior Development,July 11~14,2000,Beijing,China.
  (48) Zheng, Y., Fang, X., Lin, D. Relationship between Social Network and Smoking Behavior among Chinese Adolescents. Paper presented at XVI Biennial Meeting of the International Society of Study of Behavior Development,July 11~14,2000,Beijing,China.
  (49) Lin, D. Fang, X., Zheng, Y. The Relationship between Social Modal and Smoking Behavior among Chinese Adolescents. Paper presented at XVI Biennial Meeting of the International Society of Study of Behavior Development,July 11~14,2000,Beijing,China.
  (50) 方晓义,郑宇。父母抚养方式与初中生社会适应的关系。第三届华人心理学学术研讨会,1999年10月12日-15日,北京。
  (51) 郑宇,方晓义。家庭诸因素与青少年吸烟行为的关系。第三届华人心理学学术研讨会,1999年10月12日-15日,北京。
  (52) 方晓义。友伴对青少年吸烟和饮酒行为的影响。第八届全国心理学学术年会,1997年10月19日-24日,江苏苏州。
  (53) 白学军,方晓义,王耘。儿童合作行为发展的实验研究。第八届全国心理学学术年会,1997年10月19日-24日,江苏苏州。
  (54) Dong,Q.,Fang,XY.,Xia,Y.,Pang,L.,Wang,Y.,&Lin,L. Development of A Measure of Chinese Child-Rearing Practices:Preliminary Data on Its Reliability and Validity. Paper presented at XIV Biennial Meeting of the International Society of Study of Behavior Development,August 12~16,1996,Quebec City,Canada.
  (55) 林磊,夏勇,方晓义,庞丽娟,王艳萍,董奇。2~6岁儿童母亲的教育方式类型及其分布。中国心理学会发展心理专业委员会第六届全国学术研讨会,1996年4月7日~11日,安徽黄山市。
  (56) 邬佩霞,林磊,庞丽娟,方晓义,董奇。2⌒6岁儿童的母亲教育行为的特点及影响因素.中国心理学会发展心理专业委员会第六届全国学术研讨会,1996年4月7日~11日,安徽黄山市。
  (57)  陶沙,刘凤瑜,王艳萍,方晓义.不同抚育情境中母亲的敏感性与反应性及影响因素.中国心理学会发展心理专业委员会第六届全国学术研讨会,1996年4月7日~11日,安徽黄山市。
  (58) 方晓义,董奇。青少年的饮酒行为及其模式的研究。北京心理学会1996年学术年会。1996年9月,北京。
  (59) Fang,XY.,Xiang, K.,Li,X.The Prevalence and Pattern of Alcohol Consumption among Chinese Adolescents. Paper presented at The 37th International Congress on Alcohol and Drug Dependence,August 20~25,1995,San Diego,California,USA.在会上宣读论文。
  (60) Li,X.,Fang,XY.,Stanton,B. Cigarette Smoking among Chinese Adolescents and Its Association with Demographic       Characteristics,Social Activities,and Problem Behaviors.Paper presented at The 37th International Congress on Alcohol and Drug Dependence,August 20 ~25,1995,San Diego,California,USA. 在会上宣读论文。
  (61) Liu,H.,Fang,XY.,Li,X. The Association between Parental Factors and Alcohol Use among Chinese Adolescents. Paper presented at The 37th International Congress on Alcohol and Drug Dependence,August 20 ~25,1995,San Diego,California,USA.
  (62) Li,X.,Fang XY. Relation between Peer Group Social Position and Cigarette Smoking among Chinese Adolescent. Paper presented at The 7th American Psychology Society Annual Convention, June 29 ~July 2,1995, New York,USA.
  (63) Yang,B.,Fang,XY.,Dong,Q.,Li,X.Consistencies of Attitude and Behaviors between Parents toward Chinese Adolescents' Smoking and Drinking Behavior .Paper presented at The Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy 29th Annual Convention,November 16~19,1995, Washington,DC,USA.
  (64) Luo,Q.,Fang,XY.,Rao, P. Selection of Best Friends among Chinese Adolescents. Paper presented at The Biennial Conference of the Society for Research in Child Development,March.  30~April 2,1995,Indianapolis,Indiana,USA.
  (65) Fang, XY., Lin, Ch., Dong, Q. Parental Monitoring and Its' Influence on Adolescents' Smoking and Drinking. Paper presented at ISSBD Beijing Workshop, June 17-21, 1994, Bejing, China. 在会上宣读论文。
  (66) Fang, XY., Lin Ch., Dong, Q. The Development of 3-9 Year-old Children's Cooperative and Competitive Behavior. Paper presented at ISSBD Beijing Workshop, June 17-21,1994, Beijing, China.
  (67) Wang, Y., Fang, XY., Zeng, Q., Lu, Y., Tao, Sh., Wu, P. Parenting Difficulty: Its Structure and Influencing Factors. Paper presented at ISSBD Beijing Workshop, June 17-21, 1994,Bejing, China.
  (68) Pang , L., Yi, J., Li, L., Fang, XY.,  Zhou, Y. Parenting Beliefs: Structure and Influencing Factors. Paper presented at ISSBD Beijing  Workshop, June 17-21, 1994, Beijing, China.
  (69) 方晓义.同伴直接压力及其对青少年抽烟、饮酒行为的影响.北京心理学会1991-1993年学术年会,1993年9月,北京.








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