基本信息 姓 名: 夏禾 毕业院校: 北方交通大学 性 别: 男 民 族: 汉族 职 称: 教授
姓 名: 夏禾
毕业院校: 北方交通大学
性 别: 男
民 族: 汉族
职 称: 教授
办公电话: 51683340
通讯地址: 北方交通大学土木建筑工程学院
电子邮件: hxia@center.njtu.edu.cn
教育部博士点基金 城市交通系统对环境的振动影响及其对策研究
铁道部 秦沈客运专线综合试验科技攻关项目:桥梁动力性能综合试验
国家自然科学基金重点项目 城市轨道交通引起的环境振动及防治对策研究
国家自然科学基金 强地震/强风作用下长大跨度桥梁的空间动力效应及行车安全控制研究
国家自然科学基金 强风作用下大跨度悬索桥的动力响应及行车安全控制研究
国家自然科学基金 地震作用下高速铁路桥梁的动力响应及行车安全控制研究
国家自然科学基金 城市轨道交通引起的环境振动及其控制对策研究
铁道部 大跨度公铁两用桥车桥耦合振动分析理论及计算模型研究
铁道部 既有线提速钢梁桥加固技术试验研究—钢桁梁桥加固研究
铁道部 既有线提速钢梁桥加固技术试验研究—钢板梁桥加固研究
横 向 北京市城市铁路路基桥梁变形观测研究
铁道部 车-线-桥动力系统仿真软件开发研究
北京市科委 北京市城市铁路桥梁徐变控制研究
铁道部 京秦线常用跨度混凝土T梁200km/h提速加固车桥耦合动力分析研究
铁道部 既有铁路桥梁基础状态评定技术的研究
铁道部 高速铁路桥梁设计参数的研究
北京市自然科学基金 城市轨道交通系统引起的环境振动及其控制对策
北京市自然科学基金 城市轨道交通高架结构振动与噪声环境影响研究
比利时政府-中国科技部政府间合作项目:Traffic Induced Vibrations in Buildings,1999-2001.
比利时政府-中国科技部政府间合作项目:Railway Traffic Induced Vibrations in the Environment,2005-2006.
比利时政府-中国科技部政府间合作项目:Reducing environmental impact of vibrations from metro trains and assessing the structural safety of railway bridges,2008-2010.
[1]夏禾. 车辆与结构动力相互作用,北京:科学出版社 2002.
[2]夏禾,张楠. 车辆与结构动力相互作用,第二版,北京:科学出版社 2005.
[3]Xia He, Chen Yingju. Advanced in Structural Engineering, Beijing:China Railway Publishing House, 1995.
[4]Xia He, Zheng Jianjun. Modern Concrete Composite and Infrastructures, The Netherlands, Delft University Press, 2000.
[5]Xia He, De Roeck G. Traffic Induced Vibrations and Controls, Beijing, NJTU press, 2001.
[6]Xia He, Takemiya H. Environmental Vibrations: Prediction, Monitoring, Mitigation and Evaluation, Beijing, Science press, 2009.
[7]夏禾,郭薇薇. 直线电机轮轨交通高架结构.北京:中国科学技术出版社,2010.
[8]Guoweiwei, Xia He. Dynamic Responses of High-Speed Railway Bridges Under Earthquakes, Chaper 4, In: Takumi Miura and Yuuki Ikeda ed. Earthquake Engineering: New Research, Newyork: Nova Science, 2009.
[11]夏禾、郭薇薇,中国高速铁路桥梁,郑健主编,北京:高等教育出版社, 2008.
[1]Xia He, De Roeck G. System identification of mechanical structures by a high-order multivariate autoregressive model. Computers & Structures, 1997, 64(1-4): 341-351.
[2] Xia, He, Xu, Y.L. and Chan, T.H.T. Dynamic interaction of long suspension bridges with running trains, Journal of Sound & Vibration, 2000, 237(2): 263-280.
[3] Xia He, De Roeck G, Zhang H R, Zhang N. Dynamic analysis of train-bridge system and its application in steel girder reinforcement. Computers & Structures, 2001, 79: 1851-1860.
[4] Xia He, De Roeck G, Zhang Nan, Maeck J. Dynamic analysis of high speed railway bridge under articulated trains. Computers & Structures, 2003, 81: 2467-2478.
[5] Xia He, Zhang Nan, De Roeck G. Experimental analysis of high speed railway bridge under Thalys trains. Journal of Sound & Vibration, 2003, 268: 103-113.
[6] Xia He, Zhang Nan. Dynamic analysis of railway bridge under high speed trains, Computers & Structures, Vol.83, No.1-4, 2005, 1891-1901
[7] Xia He, Zhang Nan. Experimental Analysis of Railway Bridge Under High Speed Trains, Journal of Sound & Vibration, 2005, 282(2): 517-528.
[8] Xia H, et al. Experimental study of train-induced vibrations of environments and buildings, Journal of Sound & Vibration, 2005, 280, 1017-1029
[9] Xia He, Guo Weiwei. Analysis of Resonance Mechanism and Conditions of Train-Bridge System, Journal of Sound & Vibration, 2006, 297(2): 810-822.
[10] Xia He, Han Yan, Guo Weiwei. Dynamic analysis of train-bridge system subjected to non-uniform seismic excitations, Journal of Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2006, (35):1563-1579.
[11] Xia He. Numerical analysis of vibration effects of metro trains on surrounding environment, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2007, 7(1): 154-166.
[12] Xia He. Dynamic response of railway suspension bridge under moving trains. Scientia Iranica, 2007, 14(5): 285-394.
[13] Xia He, Cao Yanmei, De Roeck G. and Degrande G. Environmental problems of vibrations induced by railway traffic, Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 2007, 2: 142-152.
[14] Xia He, Zhang Nan. Dynamic analysis of a train-bridge system under wind action, Computers & Structures, 2008, 86: 1845-1855
[15] Xia He, Guo Weiwei. Lateral dynamic interaction analysis of a train-girder-pier system, Journal of Sound & Vibration, 2008 (318):927-942.
[16] Xia H. et al. Experimental investigation of railway train-induced vibrations of surrounding ground and nearby multi-story buildings, Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 8(1), 2009, 137-148.
[17] Xia H, et al. Dynamic interaction analysis of a LIM train and elevated bridge system, Mechanical Science and Technology, 2009, 23(3): 3257-3270.
[18] Xia H. et al. Theoretical modeling and characteristic analysis of moving-train induced ground vibrations. Journal of Sound & Vibration, 2010 (329): 819-832.
[19] Xia H, et al. Experimental study of train-induced structural and environmental vibrations of rail transit elevated bridge with ladder tracks. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2010, 224, (in press).
[20] Xia H. et al. Dynamic analysis of rail transit elevated bridge with ladder track, Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 2009, 3(1): 2-8.
[21] Xia H. et al.. Running train induced vibrations and noises of elevated railway structures and their influences on environment, Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 2009, 3(1): 9-17.
[22] Xia H, Cao YM, De Roeck G. and Degrande G. Environmental problems of vibrations induced by railway traffic, Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 2007, 2: 142-152.
[23] Guo W.W., .Xu Y.L, Xia H, Zhang W.S., Shum K.M.. Dynamic Response of Suspension Bridge to Typhoon and Trains II: Numerical Results. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2007, 133(1), 12-21.
[24] Guo W.W., Xia He. Dynamic response of a long suspension bridge and running safety of a train under wind action, Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 2007, 1: 71-79.
[25] Cao YM, Xia H, et al. Solution of moving-load-induced soil vibrations based on the Betti–Rayleigh Dynamic Reciprocal Theorem. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2010, 30, (in press).
[26] Xu, Y.L., Xia, H and Yan, Q.S. Dynamic response of suspension bridge to high wind and running train, Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 2003, 8(1): 46-55.
[27] Xu, Y.L., Zhang, N, and Xia, H. Vibration of coupled train and cable-stayed bridge systems in cross winds, Engineering Structures, 2004, 26(10): 1389-1406.
[28] Xu Youlin, Guo Weiwei, Chen J., Shum K.M., Xia He. Dynamic response of suspension bridge to typhoon and trains. I: Field measurement results, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2007, 133(1): 3-11.
[29] Zhang Nan, Xia He, Vehicle-bridge vibration analysis under high-speed trains. Journal of Sound & Vibration, 2008, 268: 103-113.
[30] Zhang Nan, Xia He, a vehicle-bridge linear interacted model and its validation. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2010, 9(2): (in press)
[31] Zhang Nan, Xia He, Vehicle-bridge vibration analysis under high-speed trains. Journal of Civil Engineering & Architecture, 2009, 3(3): 31-38.
[32] Zakeri J.A and Xia H. Sensitivity analysis of track parameters on train-track dynamic interaction, Mechanical Science and Technology, 2008, 22(3):1299-1304.
[33] Zakeri J.A and Xia H. Application of 2D-infinite beam elements in dynamic analysis of train-track interaction, Mechanical Science and Technology, 2009, 23(3):1415-1421.
[1] Dynamic response of a flexible arch stiffened truss bridges under train loads, Proc. of EASEC-3, 1991.4
[2] Interaction of Train and a Flexible Arch Stiffened Steel Truss Bridge During Earthquakes, 1992.10, Proc. of JSSC-4, Tokyo, Japan, pp763-770.
[3] Multivariate AR Model and its Application to Modal Parameter Identification of Structures, 1993.7, Structural Dynamics, Balkema Publisher, EURODYN-93, Norway, pp811-817.
[4] Dynamic Reliability of Train-Bridge System Under Wind Action by Stochastic Extreme Analysis, 1993.9, Proc. EASEC-4, Seoul, Korea, pp2063-2068
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[8] Nonlinear Constructive Relation Considering Plastic Shearing Deformation, 1994.12, Proc. of Int. Conference on Computer Methods in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Hong Kong, pp836-841
[9] Stochastic Vibration Analysis of Train-Bridge System, 1995.7, Proc. EASEC-5, Wollongong, Australia, pp1123-1128
[10] Evaluation on Urban Bridge Aseismic Design, 1995.7, Proc. EASEC-5, Wollongong, Australia, pp497-1502
[11] Dynamic Analysis of Steel Truss Bridges Under Moving Train Loads, 1995.9, Advances in Structural Engineering, China Railway Publishing House, pp48-54.
[12] A Study of Vibration Effects of Underground Trains Upon Surrounding Environments, 1995.9, Advances in Structural Engineering, China Railway Publishing House, pp116-122.
[13] Study on Dynamic Damage Mechanism of RC Piers,1995.9, Advances in Structural Engineering, China Railway Publishing House,pp143-149.
[14] Computer Simulation and Scheme Optimization of Deep Excavation Process (in Chinese), Proc. 6th Annual Conference on Computer Application, China Environment Press, 1995.10, pp112-116.
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[17] Stochastic Responses of Soil-Building Systems to Seismic Excitations, 1996.7, Proc. ISTATTSE, Beijing, China Railway Publishing House, pp460-470
[18] Dynamic analysis of train-bridge system under random excitations, Proc. 4th SSD98, Notre Dame, USA, 1998.8, 535-541.
[19] Theoretical and Experimental Study of Steel Plate Girder Reinforcement, Proc. 5th ISSEYE, Shenyang, China, 1998.8, 374-379.
[20] Generation of Artificial Earthquake Waves by Time Series Method, Proc. 5th ISSEYE, Shenyang, China, 1998.8, 195-203.
[21] Lateral Vibration of Steel Plate Bridges and Their Reinforcement,Proc. of the 13th Annual Conference of the China Civil Engineering Society, 1998.1,pp847-852.
[22] Vibration Effects of Rail Transit System on Surrounding Environment,’98 Beijing International Conference on Modern Urban Rail Transit Engineering, 1998.10.
[23] Dynamic Behaviour of Railway Bridges Under Random Loads and Running Safety of Vehicles,The 2nd Sino-US Symposium on the Development of Numerical Mechanics in Structural Engineering,1998.11
[24] Dynamic Responses of Long Suspension Bridges Under Running Trains, Proc. 5th Conference on Railway Transportation, 2000.2, Dehran, Iran
[25] Dynamic Response of Train-Suspension Bridge Under High Wind Action, Proc. TIVC’2001, Beijing, 2001, 231-238.
[26] Experimental Study on Train-Induced Vibrations of Environments and Buildings, Proc. MCCI’2000, 2000, 115-121.
[27] Traffic-Induced Vibrations and Their Influences on Surrounding Environments, Proc. MCCI’2000, 2000, 123-130.
[28] Characteristics of Traffic Induced Vibrations and Their Effects on Environments, Proc. TIVC’2001, 2001, 83-90.
[29] Proceedings of the Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, ICTTS Jul 31-Aug 2, 2000, Sponsored by: CAST ASCE p 971-976
[30] Dynamic responses of railway bridges under high speed trains, Advances in Structural Dynamics, Vols I & II, 561-568, 2000
[31] Traffic-induced ground vibrations and their influences on nearby buildings, Advances in Life and Environment, 59-66, 2001
[32] Problems of railway bridges induced by raising train speed and their treatment, ISSST2002.
[33] Safety and serviceability analysis of high speed railway bridge under thalys trains, ISSST2002.
[34] Dynamic responses of Wuhan Tianxingzhou long Suspension Bridge Scheme under running trains, ISSST2002
[35] Effect of running train induced vibrations on permafrost environment, ISSST2002
[36] Dynamic Experiment and Analysis of A High Speed Railway Bridge Under Thalys Trains, ISEV2003, 392-401.
[37] Dynamic Analysis Of Cable-Stayed Bridge Subjected To Running Trains And Earthquakes ,ISEV2003, 242-251.
[38] Traffic-Induced Environmental Vibrations and Their Influences on Surrounding Buildings, ISEV2002, 230-241.
[39] Dynamic Responses of Steel Girders Under Speed-up Trains and Their Influences on Running Safety of Trains, ISSST2004, Vol.4, 436-442.
[40] Dynamic Responses of Cable-Stayed Bridge and Running safety of Trains under Turbulent Wind, SSST2004, Vol.4, 393-399
[41] Metro Train-Induced Vibrations of Surrounding Ground and Building, ISSST2004. Vol.4, 400-413.
[42] Dynamic Responses of Long Suspension Bridges and Running Safety of Trains under Wind Action, ISSST2004, Vol.4, 1937-1944.
[43] Running Safety of Trains on Half-through Arch Bridge during Earthquake, ISSST2004, Vol.4, 1945-1951.
[44] Safety Evaluation for Foundations of Existing Railway Bridges, ISSST2004, Vol.4, 1952-1958.
[45] Lateral Vibrations of Bridge Piers and Influences on Running Safety of Trains. ISSST2004, Vol.4, 1959-1963.
[46] Theoretical and experimental study of railway bridges under high-speed trains, EE-21C. Aug.27-31, 2005, Skopje, T4, 1-8
[47] Experimental study of railway bridges under high speed trains, EURODYN, Sep. 4-7, 2005, Paris, 1083-1088
[48] Dynamic analysis of train-bridge systems under wind action , CSEEC, Sep.1-3, Rome, 1-14.
[49] Traffic induced vibrations of ground environments and buildings, ISEV2005, Sep.20-22, Okayama, 529-539.
[50] Analysis of railway continuous bridges subjected to running trains and non-uniform seismic excitations, ISEV2005, Sep.20-22, Okayama, 211-219
[51] Damage evaluation of bridge foundations considering subsoil properties, ISEV2005, Sep.20-22, Okayama, 271-277
[52] Propagation of ground vibrations induced by moving trains, ISEV2005, Sep.20-22, Okayama, 311-316
[53] Experimental study of moving train induced vibrations of a high-rise building, ISEV2005, Sep.20-22, Okayama, 541-546
[54] Running safety analysis of trains passing on bridges during earthquakes, ISISS2005, Nov.20-22, Nanjing, 1399-1410
[55] Resonance analysis of railway bridge induced by moving trains, APSS 2005, Nov.4-7, Shaoxing, 831-836
[56] Xia He. Analysis of metro train induced ground vibrations and their influence on the safety of nearby buildings. The Fifth International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology, p2091-2096.
[57] Han Yan, XIA He. Running safety of trains on rigid frame bridge during earthquakes. The Fifth International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology, p1899-1903..
[58] Xia He. Running train induced vibrations and noises of elevated railway structures and their influences on the environment, Third International Symposium on Environmental Vibration, Taipei: 27-46.
[59] Xia He. Resonance analysis of multi-span simple-girder bridges under high-speed trains, Second International Conference on Structural Condition Assessment, Monitoring and Improvement, Changsha, 1389-1395
[60] Xia He. Analysis of vibration reduction effect of Ladder track on rail transit viaduct. International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering, Shanghai, 1419-1427
[61] Guo Weiwei, Xia He. Dynamic response of a long suspension bridge and running safety of a train under wind action, Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 2007, 1: 71-79.
[62] Guo Weiwei, Xia He. Dynamic analysis of train-bridge system subjected to cross wind, Third International Symposium on Environmental Vibration, Taipei: 381-386.
[63] Zhang Nan, Xia He. Spectrum and sensitivity analysis of vehicle-bridge interaction systems, Third International Symposium on Environmental Vibration, Taipei: 357-362.
[64] Zhang Nan, Xia He. Comfort analysis of the new Guangzhou railway station, Second International Conference on Structural Condition Assessment, Monitoring and Improvement, Changsha.
[65] Zhan Jiawang, Xia He. Sensitivity study of vibration characteristics of bridge piers to structural damages, Third International Symposium on Environmental Vibration, Taipei: 567-572.
[66] Zhan Jiawang, Xia He. Study on applicability of residual free-vibration method in measuring natural frequencies of railway piers, Second International Conference on Structural Condition Assessment, Monitoring and Improvement, Changsha.
[67] Wei Pengbo, Xia He. Validation of an empirical prediction model for train-induced ground vibrations, Third International Symposium on Environmental Vibration, Taipei: 185-190.
[68] Yao Jinbao, Xia He. Study on dynamic response laws of building under train action, Third International Symposium on Environmental Vibration, Taipei: 210-215.
[69] Chen Jianguo , Xia He. Experimental study of train-induced vibrations of near-railway buildings, Third International Symposium on Environmental Vibration, Taipei: 450-455.
[70] Chen Shangyou, Xia He. A transient data-based sensitivity method for bridge damage detection. International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering, Shanghai, 1402-1410.
[71] Gu Xuhua, Xia He. Analysis of dynamic response and vehicle running safety in LIM train-bridge system. International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering, Shanghai, 111-118.
[1] 车桥耦合系统在随机激励下的动力分析及其应用,工程力学,2002
[2] 大跨度悬索桥在风与列车荷载同时作用下的动力响应分析,铁道学报,2002
[3] 单室薄壁箱梁考虑偏载影响的活载加载计算分析,土木工程学报,2004
[4] 车桥耦合系统在随机激励下的动力分析及其应用,工程力学Vol.20, No.3,2003.5
[5] 提速列车作用下上承式钢板梁受迫振动实验研究,工程力学Vol.19, No.5,2002.10
[6] 车辆与结构动力相互作用, 科学出版社, 2005,专著
[7] 识别中低高度桥墩自振频率的冲击振动试验法,中国铁道科学,2008, 29(1):31-35
[8] 运行列车对周围建筑物振动影响的试验研究,振动工程学报, 2008, 21(5):476-481
[9] 列车运行对周围地面振动影响的试验研究, 岩土力学, 2008, 29(11):3113-3118
[10]直线电机列车作用下高架桥的动力响应分析, 中国铁道科学, 28(4):55-60.
[11]基于模态参数的桥墩结构损伤识别数值研究, 中国安全科学学报, 17(3): 171-175.
[12]车桥系统共振机理和共振条件分析, 铁道学报, 28(5):52-57.
[13]斜拉桥在地震与列车荷载同时作用下的动力响应分析, 工程力学,23(1):93-98
[14]考虑非一致地震输入的车-桥系统动力响应分析, 中国铁道科学, 27(5): 46-53
[15]地震作用下列车过桥安全性分析, 中国安全科学学报, 7(7):24-30
[17]风荷载作用下大跨度桥梁的动力响应及行车安全性分析, 中国铁道科学, 27(2):137-139
[18]直线点电机列车—高架桥系统动力相互作用分析, 都市快轨交通, 19(1):44-48
2000:Jabbar Ali Zakeri,Computer simulation for dynamics of railway track structures
2001:Lezin Seba Minsili (Cameroon),Passive and active vibration control of structures: application to bridges
2002:Zhang Nan,Theoretical analysis and experimental study on dynamic interaction of high-speed railway bridges and articulated trains
2002:Sun Zhuo,Two-stage design method for railway bridges and aseismic measures
2004:Guo Weiwei,Dynamic responses of long-span bridges and running safety of trains under wind action
2005:Han Yan,Dynamic responses of high-speed railway bridges and running safety of vehicles during earthquakes
2006:Xin Xuezhong,Dynamic analysis of long-span PC continous beam (rigid structure) on bridge-train time-varying system
2006:Cao Yanmei,Theoretical and experimental study on train-induced vibrations of free-field and buildings
2006:Zhan Jiawang,Soundness evaluation and ecperiment method studies on existing railway piers
2007:Yang Fengli,Study on design method and parameters for seismically isolated railway bridges
2009:Wei Pengbo,Prediction and Assessment for Urban Train-induced Environmental Vibrations
2009:Chen Jianguo,Prediction and Parameters Research on Viaduct Train-induced Environmental Vibrations
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