基本信息 姓 名: 郭雅芳 毕业院校: 钢铁研究总院 东北大学 性 别: 女 民 族: 汉族 职 务: 无
姓 名: 郭雅芳
毕业院校: 钢铁研究总院 东北大学
性 别: 女
民 族: 汉族
职 务: 无
职 称: 副教授
办公电话: ************
通讯地址: 北京交通大学土建学院力学所
电子邮件: yfguo@bjtu.edu.cn
1988.8-1992.6 东北大学材料科学与工程系 本科
1996.8-2001.12 钢铁研究总院功能材料所 硕士,博士
1999.12-2000.2 香港大学机械工程系 研究助理
2002.1-2004.1 北方交通大学土建学院 博士后
2004.1至今 北方交通大学土建学院 讲师,副教授(博导2008.6)
1. 国家自然科学基金“镍基单晶高温合金沉淀强化的宏微观力学机制研究” (10672016)(2007.1-2009.12)
2. 校科技基金“镍基单晶超合金沉淀强化的多尺度分析”(2005SM035)(2006.1-2007.12)
3. 中国博士后科学基金“裂纹扩展的原子-连续介质模型及其尺寸相关性行为”(2003033047) (2003.6-2004.1)
4. 校科技基金“原子-连续模型研究裂尖材料学行为”(2003RC006)(2004.2-2005.2)
1.国家自然科学基金“重点”“声带隙材料和结构的波动力学特性分析及设计”(10632020)(2007.1- 2010.12)
5.国家重点基础研究发展规划“973”——材料计算设计与性能预测基础问题“材料设计中的跨尺度关联研究”(G20000067102) (2000.4-2005.3)
1.Wen-Ping Wu,Ya-Fang Guo, Yue-Sheng Wang, Ralf Mueller, Dietmar Gross. Influence of external stress and plastic strain on morphological evolution of precipitates in Ni-based superalloys. Computational Materials Science ,2009,46(2): 431-437.
2.亓宏刚,郭雅芳. 镁单晶变形行为的原子模拟.计算力学学报, 2008,25(增刊):72-76.
3.A-Li Chen, Yue-Sheng Wang, Guilan Yu, Ya-Fang Guo, Zheng-Dao Wang. Elasticwave Localzation in Two-Dimensional Phononic Crystals With one-Dimensional Quasi-Periodicity and Random Disorder. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2008, 21: 517–528.
4.Wen-Ping Wu,Ya-Fang Guo, Guan-Suo Dui, Yue-Sheng Wang. A micromechanical model for predicting the directional coarsening behavior in Ni-based superalloys. Computational Materials Science,2008,44(2): 259-264.
5.Wenping Wu,Yafang Guo, Yuesheng Wang. Micromechanics method to evaluate fatigue life of Ni-based superalloys during morphological evolution. Key Engineering Materials, 2008, 385-387: 221-224.
6.A-Li Chen, Yue-Sheng Wang, Ya-Fang Guo, Zheng-Dao Wang. Band structures of Fibonacci phononic quasicrystals. Solid State Communications, 2008, 145: 103–108.
7.刘磊,郭雅芳.铁中Ⅰ型裂纹裂尖场的有限元模拟与形变分析.科学技术与工程 2008,8(8):2158-2162.
8.吴文平,郭雅芳.镍基单晶高温合金定向粗化有限元分析.北京交通大学学报 2008,32(4):67-70.
9.Ya-Fang Guo, Yue-Sheng Wang, Dong-Liang Zhao, Wen-Ping Wu. Mechanisms of martensitic phase transformations in bcc structural metals and alloys: Molecular dynamics simulations. Acta Materialia, 2007, 55 (19): 6634-6641.
10.Ya-Fang Guo, Yue-Sheng Wang, Wen-Ping Wu, Dong-Liang Zhao. Atomistic simulation of martensitic phase transformation at the crack tip in B2 NiAl. Acta Materialia, 2007, 55 (11): 3891-3897.
11.Ya-Fang Guo, Chong-Yu Wang. Atomistic Study of Lattice Trapping Behavior for Brittle Fracture in bcc-Iron. Computational Materials Science. 2007, 40 (3) : 376-381。
12.Ya-Fang Guo, Yue-sheng Wang, Zhao Dong-Liang. Atomistic simulation of stress-induced phase transformation and recrystallisation at crack tip in bcc-iron. Acta Materialia, 2007, 55(1): 401-407.
13.Ya-Fang Guo, Zhao Dong-Liang. Atomistic simulation of structure evolution at crack tip in bcc-iron. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2007,448(1-2): 281-286.
14.Wen-Ping Wu,Ya-Fang Guo and Yue-Sheng Wang. Finite element analysis of γ`-phase raft mechanism in a Nickel-based single crystal superalloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2006, 16 (z3): s1990-s1994.
15.Jingjing Li, Yafang Guo, Yuesheng Wang, Changhai Tian. Experimental research on crack propagation in U71Mn and U75V rail steels. Key Engineering Materials, 2006, 324-325: 807-810.
16.Ya-Fang Guo, Yu-Chen Gao. Combined atomistic simulation and continuum mechanics : size-dependent behavior of atomistic simulation for brittle fracture in bcc-iron. Computational Materials Science, 2006, 36(4): 432-439.
17.郭雅芳,高锁文. 分子动力学模拟裂纹扩展及相关尺寸行为.北京交通大学学报. 2005,29(4):5-9.
18.吴映飞,王崇愚,郭雅芳. 体心立方铁中裂纹扩展的结构演化研究. 自然科学进展. 2005,15(2):206-211.
19.Ya-Fang Guo, Chong-Yu Wang, Yue-sheng Wang. The effect of stacking fault or twin formation on bcc-iron crack propagation. Phil. Mag. Lett, 2004, 84(12):763.
20.Guo Ya-Fang, Wang Chong-Yu, Zhao Dong-Liang. Atomistic simulation of crack cleavage and blunting in bcc-Fe. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2003,349(1-2):29.
21.郭雅芳,王崇愚. 原子-有限元模型研究低温铁中裂纹动态扩展. 钢铁研究学报. 2002, 14(3):60.
22.Guo Ya-Fang, Zhang Hai-Feng, Liu Hong-Bo, Zhao Dong-Liang, Wang Chong-Yu. Phonon spectrum and related thermodynamic properties of bcc-Fe with an edge dislocation. Computational Materials Science, 2001,20:228.
23.郭雅芳,王崇愚. 多尺度材料模型研究及应用. 材料导报. 2001,16(7):9.
1.Wen-Ping Wu,Ya-Fang Guo, Yue-Sheng Wang, Ralf Mueller, Dietmar Gross. Atomistic simulation of misfit dislocation network structures evolution in γ/γ' phase interface of Ni-based superalloys under tensile loading. CMM2009, Zielona Góra University Press, Poland, 2009, P509-510.
2.Ya-Fang Guo, Wen-Ping Wu, Lei Liu. Atomistic simulation of deformation behavior at the crack tip in bcc structural metals and alloys. 4th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (ICAMEM2008). December 16-18, 2008, Sousse, Tunisia. ISBN: 978 9973 082 008.
3.Ya-Fang Guo, Lei Liu, Wen-Ping Wu. Atomic-scale mechanism of crack-tip deformation: twinning and phase transformation. The 22nd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2008). August 24-30, 2008, Adelaide, Australia. ISBN: 978-0-9805142-1-6.
4.Wen-Ping Wu,Ya-Fang Guo, Yue-Sheng Wang. Micromechanics method to simulate morphological evolution of precipitates in Ni-based superalloys, The 2nd International Conference on Heterogeneous Materials Mechanics (ICHMM-2008). ADVANCES IN HETEROGENEOUS MATERIAL MECHANICS 2008, Desttech Publications Inc. 2008, P26-29. Huangshan, 2008 Jun 03-08. ISBN: 978-1-932078-80-0 (ISTP)
5.Wu Wen-ping, Guo Ya-fang, Dui Guan-suo, Wang Yue-sheng. Study on micromechanical behavior in Ni-based single crystals superalloys. Proceeding of the 5th international conference on nonlinear mechanics (ICNM-5). International conference on nonlinear mechanics, June 11-14,2007, Shanghai, China, Shanghai University Press: 296. (ISTP)
6.Ya-Fang Guo, Wen-Ping Wu and Yue-Sheng Wang. Study of structure evolution at a crack tip in bcc-iron by atomistic simulations. International conference on computational methods, April 4-6,2007, Hiroshima, Japan.
7.Ya-Fang Guo. Littice Trapping Behavior for Brittle Fracture in bcc-Iron. Proceeding of ICCES’05, International conference on computational & experimental engineering and science, Dec. 1-6, 2005, Chennai, India, Tech Science Press: 2549.
8.Ya-Fang Guo, Yue-Sheng Wang. Atomistic Simulation of Crack Propagation and Its Size-dependent Behavior. Computational Mechanics(Abstracts), WCCM Ⅵ in conjunction with APCOM'04, Sept. 5-10, 2004, Beijing, China, Tsinghua University Press & Spriner-Verlag: 394.
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