姓 名 : 游小杰 职 称 : 教授 博士生导师 职 务 : 电力电子与电力牵引研究所所长
姓 名 : 游小杰
职 称 : 教授 博士生导师
职 务 : 电力电子与电力牵引研究所所长
学术兼职 : 北京电力电子学会理事、《电力电子》杂志副主编
部 门 : 电力电子(电力牵引)研究所
办公电话 : 51684912
办公地点 : 电气楼602
传 真 : 51684029
EMail : xjyou@bjtu.edu.cn
“高速磁浮列车长定子段换步馈电新技术的研究” 863磁浮重大专项子课题
“全数字化1000A/12V高频开关电镀电源研制” 横向项目
“能流循环互馈自控变流系统研制” 横向项目
“全数字化混合型有源电力滤波器的研制” 横向项目
“电力机车牵引电机直接转矩控制系统研究” 横向项目
[1] 并联型有源电力滤波器在非理想电源电压下的控制[J].中国电机工程学报, 2004, 2
[2] 欧洲主力交流传动机车主牵引系统介绍[J]. 电工技术学报,2007, 7
[3] 环路延时对数字峰值电压控制开关变换器瞬态性能的影响,中国电机工程学报,2009, 2
[4] SIMADYN D控制器在大功率电弧加热器中的应用研究[J]. 电气传动,2007, 4
[5] 基于能量回馈的电力机车辅助逆变器试验系统[J]. 机车电传动, 2008,4
[6] 基于TMS320F2812的有源电力滤波器控制系统研究[J]. 电气应用, 2006, 3
[7] MPC在大功率交流牵引中的应用[J]. 电力电子, 2007, 5
[1] Voltage balance of separate DC capacitors for CSAPF[J]. Acta Technica CSAV, 2005,01
[2] Control strategy of shunt active power filter under the condition of unsymmetrical and non-sinusoidal voltage[C]. IEEE PEDS2003, Singapore 2003.11
[3] A new synchronous frame current reference generation for hybrid active filter and system stability analysis. IEEE IECON2003, USA, 2003.11
[4] Control strategy of shunt active power filter under the condition of unsymmetrical and non-sinusoidal voltage[C]. IEEE PEDS2003, Singapore 2003.11
[5] Identification of reactive and harmonic current of nonlinear load with consideration of non-ideal mains[C]. Acta Technica CSAV.2003.04
[6] Three-phase PWM AC/DC converter using digital control with the consideration of unbalanced power network[C]. Acta Technica CSAV.2003.04
[7] A shunt active power filter using dead-beat current control[C]. IEEE IECON2002, Spain 2002.11
[8] Design and build of active power filter by digital control[J]. Acta Technica CSAV. 2001.4
[9] Active power filter using predicted current control[J]. Acta Technica CSAV. 2001.2
[10] Optimale efficiency control of linear induction motor for linear metro [C]. Proceedings of PESC 2008.Page(s):673-677.
[11] A novel control strategy for current-source rectifiers with space vector modulation [C]. Proceedings of PESC 2008.Page(s):3255-3258.
[12] A new topology for operating three-phase induction motors connected to single-phase supply[C].Proceedings of ICEMS2008. Page(s):1391-1394.
[13] A new single-phase to three-phase cycloconverter for low cost AC motor drives [C]. Proceedings of ICIEA2008.Page(s):1752-1756.
[14] Research on the reactive power control of grid-connected inverter of distributed generation system based on genetic algorithm [C]. Proceedings of ICIEA 2008.Page(s):1096-1099.
[15] VSCF doubly-fed induction generator control strategy and simulation research [C]. Proceedings of ICIEA 2008. Page(s):2045-2050.
[16] Nonlinear PID control for three-phase PWM rectifier based on predictive current control [C]. Proceedings of ICIEA 2008.Page(s):649-653.
[17] Modeling and power quality enhancement to AC drives based on synchronous PI current control technology of PWM rectifier [C]. Proceedings of ICIEA2008.Page(s):438-442.
[18] Nonlinear PID control of three-phase pulse width modulation rectifier[C]. Proceedings of Intelligent Control and Automation, 2008. WCICA 2008. Page(s):3417-3422.
[19] Analysis of nonlinear control for high power arc heater utilizing thyristor converter[C]. Proceedings of PESC06, 2006. Page(s):1-5.
[20] Research of Multi-module PWM Rectifier for Feeding System of High-speed Maglev Vehicles[C]. Proceedings of IECON'06. Page(s):1998-2002.
[21] Reference Current Detection and Control for STATCOM under Unbalanced and Distorted Supply Voltage [C]. Proceedings of POWERCON2006, Page(s):1-6.
[22] Study on Harmonic Current Detection and Control Strategy for APF under Unbalanced and Distorted Supply Voltage[C]. Proceedings of ICEMS 2006, Nagasaki, Japan
[23] A Novel Stator Section Crossing Method of Long Stator Linear Synchronous Motor for Maglev Vehicles[C]. Proceedings of IPEMC2006. Shanghai, China. Vol.3:1-5.
[24] Nonlinear Control of Power Supply for an Arc Heater[C]. Proceedings of ICIEA2006, 2006, Page(s):1-4.
[25] A new sliding-mode current controller for field oriented controlled induction motor drives[C]. Proceedings of IECON 2005. 2005 Page(s):1341-1346.
[26] The grid connected converter control of multi-terminal DC system for wind farms, Electrical Machines and Systems [C]. Proceedings of ICEMS 2005, Vol.2:102 -1023.
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