徐保民 职 称: 副教授 学 历: 博士 办公电话: 51688243 办公邮箱: xbm@
职 称: 副教授
学 历: 博士
办公电话: 51688243
办公邮箱: xbm@computer.njtu.edu.cn
毕业学校: 中科院
Email: bmxu@bjtu.edu.cn
1985 - 1989 郑州大学 学士
1994 - 1997 郑州大学 硕士
1997 - 2000 中国科学院计算技术研究所 博士
海量数据处理 云计算 P2P
1. Extensions to Jini Service Architecture for Pervasive Computing,The First International Symposium on pervasive computing and Application(SPCA06),August 3- 5,2006,Urumchi,xinjiang,P.R.China
2. A Novel Approach to Convert Single-user Applications into Collaborative Applications, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design 2006,May 3-5,Nanjing, P.R.China
3.Mobile active objects in Java,Advances in Engineering Software, 2004,35(3-4),231-235
4.Migration of active objects in ProActive, Information and Software Technology, 2003,45(9), 611-618
5.Migration of enterprise JavaBeans with ProActive interposition objects,ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 2003, 38(8),22-28
6.A General Framework for Application Cooperating Software in Windows Environment, ACM Software Engineering Notes, 2003, 28 (2)
7.A Novel Consistency Control Algorithm in Cooperative Graphics Editor (CGE), Journals of Electronics, 2003, 20(3), 183-188
8.Application Cooperating: Issues and Approaches, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, v7, 2003, 139-144
1.提升计算机专业本科生创新能力的综合教学实践平台建设 2006-2008
2. 分布计算环境下对象迁移机制研究 2005-2006
3.实现对象强迁移的若干问题研究 2003 - 2005
4.基于内容的图形图像管理系统 2004
5.中环商情网网站建设 2004 - 2005
6.网上虚拟博物馆的设计研制 2004 - 2005
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