孙冬梅 博士,教授,硕士导师 计算机与信息技术学院 信息科学研究所 现代信号处理与信息认证研究
计算机与信息技术学院 信息科学研究所
E-mail: dmsun@bjtu.edu.cn
2003年于北京交通大学获得信号与信息处理专业博士学位并留校任教,1995年至1999年任教于首都医科大学生物医学工程系,2006年8月至2007年8月于美国辛辛那提大学 (University of Cincinnati) 做高级访问研究员。自1999年以来一直致力于生物特征识别技术与信息安全方面的研究工作,研究方向主要包括生物特征识别技术、医学图像分析与识别、信息与网络的安全认证技术。目前已在国际国内学术期刊和国际会议上发表论文50余篇;近年来,主持/参加的项目有:国家自然科学基金项目“特征级信息融合理论及其应用研究”,教育部博士点基金项目“特征级信息融合理论及其在手部特征认证中的应用研究”,863课题及“十一五”国家科技支撑计划子课题,铁道部开放实验室和北京市“现代信息科学与网络技术”重点实验室基金课题、北京交通大学人才基金、北京交通大学“十五”专项科技基金课题等;是Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 电子学报、自动化学报等多个学术刊物的审稿人,作为程序委员会成员和Local Chair参与组织学术会议:International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC 2009),The 11th IEEE International conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-09)。
Dongmei Sun and Bing He, “Dynamic Load Balancing of Internet Gateways Domains in Wireless Mesh Networks”, International Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking. 2009.6
Dongmei Sun and Bing He, “Probabilistic Load Balancing in Wireless Mesh Networks”, 9th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, Oct. 26-29, 2008
D . Liu, Z. D. Qiu, D. M. Sun, and S.Y. Liu, “A survey of feature level fusion”, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering, IEICE transactions on information and systems, 2009
Yucheng Wang and Dongmei Sun, "Feature Fusion of Palmprint and Face Based on KFDA", 9th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, Oct. 26-29, 2008
Di Liu, Dongmei Sun and Zhengding Qiu, “Wavelet Decomposition 4-Feature Parallel Fusion by Quaternion Euclidean Product Distance Matching Score For Palmprint Verification”, 9th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, Oct. 26-29, 2008
Ruiqiong Shi and Dongmei Sun, “A New Security Scheme based on Palmprint Biometrics for Signature”, IEEE Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems, September 27-29, 2007, Washington DC.
Wu, Z.D. Qiu and D.M. Sun, “A Hierarchical Identification Method Based on Improved Hand Geometry and Regional Content Features for Low Resolution Hand Images,” Signal Processing, 88(6), 2008, Elsevier.
Yanqiang Zhang, Zhengding Qiu, Dongmei Sun, “Palmprint Identification Using Weighted PCA Feature”, 9th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, Oct. 26-29, 2008
Yanqiang Zhang, Zhengding Qiu, Dongmei Sun, “Experimental evaluation of different intensity distributions for palmprint identification”, 2nd International Conference on Information Security and Assurance, Apr. 24-26, 2008
Li Qiang, Qiu Zheng-Ding, Sun Dong-Mei, and Zhang Yan-Qiang, “A Novel Biometric: Knuckleprint,” Acta Automatica Sinica, 2007, 33(6): pp. 596-601.
Jie Wu, Zheng-ding Qiu, and Dong-Mei Sun, “A Hierarchical Palmprint Identification Method Based on Grayscale Distribution,” Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2007, 29(8): pp. 1821-1825.
D. M. Sun and B. He, “Review of Key Management Mechanism in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Acta Automatica Sinica, 2006, Nov. 32(6): pp. 900-906.
D. M. Sun, Z. D. Qiu, and Q. Li, “Palmprint Identification using Gabor Wavelet Probabilistic Neural Networks,” 8th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings (ICSP 2006), Nov. 16-20, 2006.
Qiang Li, Zhengding Qiu, and Dongmei Sun, “Modeling Intrapersoanl Deformation Subspace Using GMM for Palmprint Identification,” Journal of Electronic, 2006, vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 543-548.
Q. Li, Z. D. Qiu, and D. M. Sun, “Subspace Framework for Feature-Level Fusion with Its Application to Handmetric Verification,” 8th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings (ICSP 2006), Nov. 16-20, 2006.
Q. Li, Z. D. Qiu, and D. M. Sun, “Feature Level Fusion of Hand Biometrics for Personal Verification Based on Kernel PCA,” International Conference Biometric Authentication (ICBA2006), 5-7 Jan. 2006, HongKong.
Chune Zhang, Zhengding Qiu, and Dongmei Sun, “Simplex Image Watermarking Resistant to RST Based on Radon Transform,” First International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2006. ICICIC '06, Volume 1, 30-01 Aug. 2006 Page(s):488 – 491.
Chune Zhang, Zhengding Qiu, and Dongmei Sun, “Euclidean Quality Assessment for Binary Images,” 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2006. ICPR 2006. Volume 2, 20-24 Aug. 2006 Page(s):300 – 303.
D. M. Sun, Q. Li, T. Liu, Z.D. Qiu, and B. He, “A Secure Multimodal Biometric Verification Scheme”, International Workshop on Biometric Recognition Systems (IWBRS2005), Beijing, China, 22-23 Oct. 2005, Advances in Biometric Person Authentication, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3781.
D. M. Sun and B. He, “Key Management Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks: a Survey,” International Workshop on Sensor Networks and Applications (SNA05), 21- 22 Oct. 2005, Beijing, China
Q. Li, Z. D. Qiu, and D.M. Sun, “I2D-PCA: An Efficient Subspace Method with Its Application to Palmprint Identification,” 8th Joint Conference of Information Science, 6th International conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, Salt lake city, USA, 2005.
Q. Li, Z. D. Qiu, D. M. Sun, and Lulu Liu, “Online Palmprint Identification Based on Improved 2D PCA,” Acta Electronics Sinica, vol.33, no.10, pp. 1886-1889, Aug. 2005.
D. M. Sun, Z. D. Qiu, and B. He, “Automated Identity Verification Based on Feature Points Matching of Hand Shapes,” Journal of Electronics and Information Technology, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 412-418, March 2003.
D. M. Sun and Z.D. Qiu, “A Robust Point Matching Algorithm Based on Deterministic Annealing,” Chinese Journal of Computer, vol. 25, no.6, pp. 606-611, Aug. 2002.
D. M. Sun and Z. D. Qiu, “A New Non-Rigid Image Matching Algorithm Using Thin-Plate Spline,” Acta Electronics Sinica”, vol.30, no.8, pp.1104-1107, Aug. 2002
D. M. Sun and Z. D. Qiu, “A Survey of the Emerging Biometric Technology,” Acta Electronics Sinica, vol. 29, no. 12A, pp. 1744-1748, Dec. 2001.
D. M. Sun and Z. D. Qiu, “Automated Hand Shape Verification Using HMM,” The 7th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP'04), Aug. 31 - Sept.4, 2004
Q. Li, Z.D. Qiu, D.M. Sun and J. Wu, “Personal Identification Using Knuckleprint”, SINOBIOMETRICS’04 Proceedings, Advances in Biometric Person Authentication, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3338: 680-689, 2004.12
D. M. Sun and B. He, “Hand Shape Verification using Gaussian Mixture Models,” The 4th Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition (Sinobiometrics’03), Dec. 7-8, 2003
D. M. Sun, Z. D. Qiu and B. He, “Biometric Verification Based on Hand Shapes,” The 3th Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition (Sinobiometrics’02), Aug. 24-25, 2002.
D.M. Sun, Z.D. Qiu and B. He, “Automated Identity Verification Based on Hand Shapes”, The 6th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP'02), Aug. 27-30, 2002.
B. He, Z. D. Qiu, and D.M. Sun, “A Secure Mechanism for Network Authentication Combining Hand Shapes Verification and Encryption,” The 6th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP'02), Aug. 27-30, 2002.
B. He, Z. D. Qiu and D. M. Sun, “Secure Authentication System Incorporating Hand Shapes Verification and Cryptography Techniques,” The 17th IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Computers, Communications, Control and Power Engineering (TENCON'02), Oct. 28-31, 2002.
Medical Image Processing and Analysis:
D.M. Sun and K. L. Weiss, “Automatic Head CT Images Prescriptions and Reformations,” 9th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP'08), Oct. 2008, Beijing, China
Yanli Zha, Dongmei Sun and Kenneth L. Weiss, “Detection of Disk in the MRI Spine Image with Reconstructing Coronal Plane” , The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2009), June 11-13,2009, Beijing, China.
Ruiqiong Shi, Dongmei Sun, and K. Weiss, “An Efficient Method for Segmentation of MRI Spine Image”, 2007 IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering-CME2007.May 23-27, 2007, Beijing, China
K. L. Weiss, D. M. Sun, R. S. Cornelius, and J. L. Weiss, “Iterative Decomposition of Water and Fat with Echo Asymmetric and Least-Squares Estimation (IDEAL) Automated Spine Survey Iterative Scan Technique (ASSIST),” Magnetic Resonance Insights: 2008:1, Libertas Academica.
K. L. Weiss, D. M. Sun, H. C. Morales, and D. L. Weiss, “Dual Energy CT Volumetric Overload: Optimized Display, Reformations and Analysis,” American Society of Neuroradiology, ASNR 46th Annual Meeting & NER Foundation Symposium 2008, May 31 - June 5, 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Weiss KL, Richards C, Sun DM, Weiss JL. Sub-minute Fat-Water Separated Dual Echo Automated Spine Survey Iterative Scan Technique (ASSIST DE). American Journal Neuroradiology AJNR 2009: Nov in Press
W. M. Strub, K. L. Weiss, D. M. Sun, and R. C. Samaratunga, “Hybrid Convolution Kernel: Optimized Chest CT,” AJNR American Journal Neuroradiology, pp. 189-191, August 2007.
K. L. Weiss, R. S. Cornelius, E. E. Lower, J. L. Weiss, D. Sun, J. Ying, B. W. Mahoney, M. I. Altbach, and M. Femandez. “IDEAL ASSIST (Automated Spine Survey Iterative Scan Technique): Metastasis Detection,” International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, 3-9 May 2008, Torono, Ontario.
K. Weiss, R. Cornelius, J. Weiss, and D. M. Sun, “IDEAL ASSIST,” American Society of Neuroradiology, ASNR 45th Annual Meeting & NER Foundation Symposium 2007, June 9-14,2007, Chicago, IL.
K. Weiss, R. Cornelius, A. Greeley, and D. M. Sun, “Hybrid Reconstruction Kernel: Optimized Head and Neck CT.,” American Society of Neuroradiology, ASNR 45th Annual Meeting & NER Foundation Symposium 2007, June 9-14, 2007, Chicago, IL.
K. Weiss, A. Greeley, and D. M. Sun, “Hybrid Reconstruction Kernel: Optimized Spine CT,” In: Grossman R, ed. American Society of Neuroradiology, ASNR 2007, June 9-14, 2007, Chicago, IL.
K. Weiss, A. Greeley, D. M. Sun, “Hybrid Reconstruction Kernel: Optimized Head CT.,” American Society of Neuroradiology, ASNR 2007, June 9-14, 2007, Chicago, IL.
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